To facilitate navigation of the site and quickly find the latest updates and additions, a chronological list of new material can be found below. New files can be accessed directly from this page by clicking on the appropriate title in the following list:
18-III-2025 |
Companies |
Sylvania - Company Profile - 1966 USA |
07-XII-2024 |
Brochure |
Radium - Incandescent Lamps - 1966 DE (provided by Olav Kettner) |
07-XII-2024 |
Brochure |
Radium - Fluorescent Lamps - 1966 DE (provided by Olav Kettner) |
07-XII-2024 |
Brochure |
Radium - Christmas Tree Lamps - 1966 DE (provided by Olav Kettner) |
07-XII-2024 |
Brochure |
Siemens - Sieray Discharge Lamps - 1939 UK (provided by Olav Kettner) |
07-XII-2024 |
Catalogue |
Osram-GEC - 1955 UK (provided by Olav Kettner) |
26-X-2024 |
Catalogue |
General Electric - 2013 EU |
26-X-2024 |
Catalogue |
General Electric - 2012/13 EU |
26-X-2024 |
Catalogue |
General Electric - 2012 EU |
26-X-2024 |
Catalogue |
General Electric - 2010 EU |
26-X-2024 |
Catalogue |
General Electric - 2009 France |
26-X-2024 |
Catalogue |
General Electric - 2009 EU |
26-X-2024 |
Catalogue |
General Electric - 2008 EU |
26-X-2024 |
Catalogue |
General Electric - 2007 UK |
20-X-2024 |
Lamp |
General Electric LED SSL-6 Silicon Carbide Yellow |
20-X-2024 |
Manual |
BTH-Mazda - Lighting Bulletin No.9 - Circuits for Discharge Lamps - 1949 UK (provided by Olav Kettner) |
20-X-2024 |
Manual |
BGW Berlin - Leuchtstofflampen und Hochdruckquecksilberdampflampen - 1963 Germany (provided by Olav Kettner) |
20-X-2024 |
Manual |
OsramSylvania - Technical Bulletin THM Photo-Printing Lamps - 1996 USA |
20-X-2024 |
Manual |
OsramSylvania - Technical Bulletin Lumalux Lamps - 1998 USA |
20-X-2024 |
Manual |
OsramSylvania - Technical Bulletin Metalarc Lamps - 1995 USA |
20-X-2024 |
Manual |
OsramSylvania - Technical Bulletin Mercury Lamps - 1996 USA |
20-X-2024 |
Manual |
OsramSylvania - Technical Bulletin HID Lamps Troubleshooting - 1998 USA |
20-X-2024 |
Manual |
OsramSylvania - Technical Bulletin Incandescent Manufacturing - 1996 USA |
20-X-2024 |
Manual |
OsramSylvania - Technical Bulletin Incandescent Lamps - 1996 USA |
20-X-2024 |
Manual |
Osram - Metal Halide Technical Application Guide - 2012 EU |
20-X-2024 |
Manual |
Toshiba - Halogen Infrared Technical Guide - 2003 France |
20-X-2024 |
Manual |
Westinghouse - Fluorescent Technical Guide - 1959 USA |
20-X-2024 |
Manual |
GE-Mazda Lamp Technical Bulletin LD-1 - 1939 USA |
20-X-2024 |
Section |
New literature section - Technical Manuals |
13-X-2024 |
Lamp |
General Electric LED SSL-1 Silicon Carbide Yellow |
13-X-2024 |
Datasheet |
GE Solid State Lamp SSL-65 - 1973 USA |
13-X-2024 |
Datasheet |
GE Solid State Lamps SSL-1 & SSL-6 - 1968 USA |
13-X-2024 |
Datasheet |
GE Solid State Lamp SSL-1 - 1967 USA |
13-X-2024 |
Brochure |
GE Solid State Lamps Technical Manual Part II - 1970 USA |
13-X-2024 |
Brochure |
GE Solid State Lamps Technical Manual Part I - 1970 USA |
13-X-2024 |
Brochure |
GE Solid State Lamps - 1973 November USA |
13-X-2024 |
Brochure |
GE Solid State Lamps - 1973 October USA |
13-X-2024 |
Brochure |
GE Solid State Lamps - 1971 USA |
13-X-2024 |
Brochure |
GE Electroluminescent Lamps - 1964 USA |
13-X-2024 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Mercury & Metal Halide Lamps - 1968 Germany (provided by Olav Kettner) |
13-X-2024 |
Brochure |
Compagnie des Lampes - Discharge Lamps - 1968 Germany (provided by Olav Kettner) |
13-X-2024 |
Brochure |
GE Blacklight Lamps - 1966 USA (provided by Olav Kettner) |
13-X-2024 |
Catalogue |
General Electric - 1969 Germany (provided by Olav Kettner) |
13-X-2024 |
Catalogue |
General Electric - 1967 Germany (provided by Olav Kettner) |
13-X-2024 |
Catalogue |
Metropolitan-Vickers Cosmos Lamps - 1952 UK (provided by Olav Kettner) |
13-X-2024 |
Catalogue |
Metropolitan-Vickers Cosmos Lamps - 1935 UK (provided by Olav Kettner) |
13-X-2024 |
Journal |
Philips Revue Lumière No.34 - 1961 Feb (provided by Olav Kettner) |
07-IX-2024 |
Journal |
The Sylvania Beam - 1959 January |
07-IX-2024 |
Journal |
The Sylvania Beam - 1956 November |
07-IX-2024 |
Journal |
The Sylvania Beam - 1951 July |
07-IX-2024 |
Journal |
The Sylvania Beam - 1951 April |
07-IX-2024 |
Journal |
The Sylvania Beam - 1951 February |
23-VII-2024 |
Lamp |
Osram Compact Fluorescent Dulux EL 15W |
21-VII-2024 |
Lamp |
Sylvania Compact Fluorescent Mini-Lynx 11W |
17-VII-2024 |
Catalogue |
Westinghouse Auriga Tungsten Lamps - 1910 UK |
17-VII-2024 |
Catalogue |
Ediswan Lamps - 1930 UK |
17-VII-2024 |
Catalogue |
Ediswan Lamps - 1924 UK |
17-VII-2024 |
Catalogue |
Ediswan Lamps - 1899 UK |
07-VII-2024 |
Catalogue |
Metrovick Cosmos Lamps - 1938 UK (provided by Olav Kettner) |
07-VII-2024 |
People |
Samuel Everett Doane profile updated with photograph |
06-VII-2024 |
Lamp |
Westinghouse Ceramalux-4 Deluxe High Pressure Sodium C250S50/DX4 |
02-VII-2024 |
Brochure |
Philips - Philora Discharge Lamps - 1940 Italy (provided by Olav Kettner) |
30-VI-2024 |
Lamp |
BTH Mazda High Pressure Mercury MBM 40W for lighting of coal mines updated |
29-VI-2024 |
Lamp |
Thorn EMI High Pressure Mercury MBM 40W for lighting of coal mines |
05-V-2024 |
Lamp |
GE F85T10-IW Type RF Rectified Fluorescent |
28-IV-2024 |
Brochure |
Philips - Special Discharge - Mercury Reprographic HPR 125W - 1954 Germany |
25-III-2024 |
Brochure |
GE - Fluorescent Type RF - 1940s USA |
05-II-2024 |
Journal |
Mazda Contact No's 29, 58, 61, 71, 72, 75, 76, 77, 82, 83, 84, 86, 87, 90, 93, 95, 96, 97, 101, 102, 121, 122, 123, 128, 130. |
03-II-2024 |
Lamp |
Sylvania Super Tru-Flector Dichroic DLS 150W |
28-I-2024 |
Lamp |
Sylvania Incandescent Microminiature B8810 0.1 Watt |
27-I-2024 |
Journal |
Narva - New Products - 1980 Germany (Provided by Olav Kettner) |
27-I-2024 |
Journal |
Philips Revue Lumière No.41 - 1963 Jun extract (provided by Olav Kettner) |
27-I-2024 |
Journal |
Philips Revue Lumière No.36 - 1962 Feb extract (provided by Olav Kettner) |
27-I-2024 |
Journal |
Philips Revue Lumière No.31 - 1959 Dec (provided by Olav Kettner) |
27-I-2024 |
Journal |
Philips - Natriumlampen SO - 1946 Holland (provided by Olav Kettner) |
27-I-2024 |
Catalogue |
Sylvania Lamp Catalogue - 1947 USA |
27-I-2024 |
Catalogue |
Sylvania Lamp Catalogue - 1945 USA |
27-I-2024 |
Catalogue |
Sylvania Lamp Catalogue - c.1925-31 USA |
27-I-2024 |
Catalogue |
Hygrade-Sylvania Lamp Catalogue - 1936 USA |
18-XI-2023 |
Lamp |
BTH-Mazda Fluorescent Mercury MAF/V 400W |
18-XI-2023 |
Catalogue |
British Lighting Industries Mazda Lamp Catalogue - 1968 UK |
20-IX-2023 |
Catalogue |
Westinghouse Lamp Catalogue - 1926 USA |
09-IX-2023 |
Brochure |
Radium - Natriumdampflampen RNA-X - 1968 Germany (provided by Olav Kettner) |
09-IX-2023 |
Brochure |
Radium - HRI HRL HRLV MRL - 1966 Germany (provided by Olav Kettner) |
09-IX-2023 |
Brochure |
Philips - Lampade a Scarica in Gas Speciali - 1967 Italy (provided by Olav Kettner) |
09-IX-2023 |
Brochure |
Philips - Gasentladungslampen und Zubehör - 194x Austria (provided by Olav Kettner) |
09-IX-2023 |
Brochure |
Narva - Mercury Lamps - 1973 Germany (provided by Olav Kettner) |
09-IX-2023 |
Brochure |
Narva - Mercury Lamps - 1969 Germany (provided by Olav Kettner) |
09-IX-2023 |
Brochure |
Philips Sodium Lamps - 1960-64 UK (provided by Olav Kettner) |
09-IX-2023 |
Brochure |
GE - Tantalum Filament Lamps - 1908 USA |
09-IX-2023 |
Brochure |
GE - Sodium Lab-Arc - 1933 USA |
09-IX-2023 |
Brochure |
GE - Fluorescent Technical Bulletin - 1970 USA |
09-IX-2023 |
Brochure |
GE - Fluorescent Lamps - 1947 October USA |
09-IX-2023 |
Brochure |
GE - Fluorescent Lamps - 1947 January USA |
09-IX-2023 |
Brochure |
GE - Fluorescent Technical Bulletin - 1947 USA |
09-IX-2023 |
Brochure |
GE - Fluorescent Lamps - 1946 USA |
09-IX-2023 |
Brochure |
GE - Fluorescent Rapid Start System - c.1942 USA |
09-IX-2023 |
Brochure |
GE - Fluorescent Ballasts - 1940 USA |
09-IX-2023 |
Brochure |
GE - Mercury Lamps - 1953 USA |
09-IX-2023 |
Brochure |
GE - Germicidal Lamps - 1938 USA |
09-IX-2023 |
Brochure |
GE - Mercury Lamp Type H-1 - 1935 USA |
09-IX-2023 |
Brochure |
Cooper-Hewitt Mercury Lamps - 1905 USA |
09-IX-2023 |
Brochure |
Westinghouse - Cooper-Hewitt Mercury Lamps - 1903 UK |
08-IX-2023 |
Brochure |
Narva - Natralox Sodium Technical Manual - 1982 Germany (provided by Olav Kettner) |
05-IX-2023 |
Catalogue |
Narva Lamp Catalogue - 2006 Germany |
05-IX-2023 |
Catalogue |
Osram Lamp Catalogue - 1922 Germany |
04-IX-2023 |
Brochure |
GE - Mercury Technical Bulletin - 1962 USA |
04-IX-2023 |
Brochure |
GE - Mercury & UV Lamps - 1947 USA |
04-IX-2023 |
Brochure |
GE - Mercury & Sunlight Lamps - 1939 USA |
04-IX-2023 |
Brochure |
GE - Cooper-Hewitt Mercury Lamps - 1938 USA |
04-IX-2023 |
Brochure |
GE - Mercury & Neon Lamps - 1933 USA |
04-IX-2023 |
Brochure |
GE - Mercury Lamps & Ballasts - 1953 USA (provided by Olav Kettner) |
04-IX-2023 |
Brochure |
Pintsch-Meda - Natriumdampflampen - 1939 Germany (provided by Olav Kettner) |
04-IX-2023 |
Brochure |
Narva - Naviflux Mercury Technical Manual - 1979 Germany (provided by Olav Kettner) |
04-IX-2023 |
Brochure |
Radium - HRL Mercury Lamps - 1955 Germany (provided by Olav Kettner) |
04-IX-2023 |
Brochure |
Compagnie des Lampes - Lampes a Décharge - 1939 France (provided by Olav Kettner) |
04-IX-2023 |
Catalogue |
Ediswan Lamp Catalogue - 1934 UK (provided by Olav Kettner) |
20-III-2023 |
Catalogue |
AEI-Mazda Automotive Lamp Catalogue - 1962 UK |
20-III-2023 |
Catalogue |
Ekco Lamp Catalogue - 1958 UK |
20-III-2023 |
Catalogue |
Osram Lamp Catalogue - 1979 Germany |
21-II-2023 |
Brochure |
Tungsram Brochure - Hannover Messe New Products - 1990 Germany |
21-II-2023 |
Brochure |
Tungsram Brochure - Incandescent Reflector - 1989 UK |
21-II-2023 |
Brochure |
Tungsram Brochure - CFLi Globolux - 1988 UK |
21-II-2023 |
Brochure |
Tungsram Brochure - Metal Halide - 1977 UK |
21-II-2023 |
Brochure |
Tungsram Brochure - Mercury Printing Lamps - 1974 Hungary |
21-II-2023 |
Brochure |
Tungsram Brochure - Photographic Lamps - 1974 Hungary |
21-II-2023 |
Brochure |
Tungsram Brochure - Incandescent Krypton - 1950 France |
21-II-2023 |
Catalogue |
Tungsram Lamp Catalogue - 2022 Europe |
21-II-2023 |
Catalogue |
Tungsram Lamp Catalogue - 2020 Europe |
21-II-2023 |
Catalogue |
Tungsram Lamp Catalogue - 2019 Europe |
21-II-2023 |
Catalogue |
Tungsram Lamp Catalogue - 2006 Europe |
21-II-2023 |
Catalogue |
Tungsram Lamp Catalogue - 1998 International |
21-II-2023 |
Catalogue |
Tungsram Lamp Catalogue - 1991 Germany |
21-II-2023 |
Catalogue |
Tungsram Lamp Catalogue (Automotive) - 2022 USA |
21-II-2023 |
Catalogue |
Tungsram Lamp Catalogue (Automotive) - 2022 EU |
21-II-2023 |
Catalogue |
Tungsram Lamp Catalogue (Automotive) - 2020 EU |
21-II-2023 |
Catalogue |
Tungsram Lamp Catalogue (Automotive) - 2009 EU |
21-II-2023 |
Catalogue |
Tungsram Lamp Catalogue (Automotive) - 1994 UK |
21-II-2023 |
Catalogue |
Tungsram Lamp Catalogue (Automotive) - 1988 UK |
21-II-2023 |
Catalogue |
Tungsram Lamp Catalogue (HID) - 1989 UK |
21-II-2023 |
Catalogue |
Tungsram Lamp Catalogue (HID) - 1989 UK |
21-II-2023 |
Catalogue |
Tungsram Lamp Catalogue (GLS) - 1989 UK |
21-II-2023 |
Catalogue |
Tungsram Lamp Catalogue (HID) - 1988 UK |
21-II-2023 |
Catalogue |
Tungsram Lamp Catalogue (GLS) - 1988 UK |
31-I-2023 |
Catalogue |
Tungsram Lamp Catalogue - 1990 EU |
30-I-2023 |
Catalogue |
Sylvania Large Lamp Catalog - 1980-Jan USA |
30-I-2023 |
Catalogue |
Sylvania Large Lamp Catalog - 1978-Oct USA |
30-I-2023 |
Catalogue |
Thorn Lighting - 1974/75 UK |
17-XII-2022 |
Link |
Fujiwara Denki, Japan |
17-XII-2022 |
Movie |
Incandescent lampmaking at the small factory of Fujiwara-Denki, Japan |
11-XII-2022 |
Lamp |
Osram Incandescent Suntanning 'Vitalux' 500W |
11-XII-2022 |
Lamp |
Osram Mercury Blended Suntanning 'Ultra-Vitalux' 300W |
11-XII-2022 |
Lamp |
Osram Mercury Blended Reflector Suntanning 'Ultra-Vitalux' 300W |
11-XII-2022 |
Brochures |
Siemens-Reiniger-Veifa Brochure for Osram Vitalux Luminaire - 1929 Germany |
11-XII-2022 |
Brochures |
Osram Gutachten über Vitalux Lampen - 1929 Germany |
11-XII-2022 |
Brochures |
Osram Liste 37 - Vitalux Ultraviolet - 1929 Germany |
11-XII-2022 |
Brochures |
Osram Liste 53 - Vitalux Ultraviolet - 1930 Germany |
11-XII-2022 |
Companies |
M.B.L.E. (Manufacture Belge des Lampes Electriques) - Company Profile - 1962 Belgium |
11-XII-2022 |
Journals |
The GE Lampmaker - 1954 October, USA |
11-XII-2022 |
Journals |
The GE Lampmaker - 1954 August, USA |
11-XII-2022 |
Journals |
The GE Lampmaker - 1952 October, USA |
26-XI-2022 |
Lamp |
Philips Mercury Blended Reflector Suntanning 'Ultraphil' MLU 300W |
26-XI-2022 |
Lamp |
Philips Mercury Blended Reflector Suntanning 'Biosol' MLU 500W |
26-XI-2022 |
Lamp |
GE Mercury Blended Reflector Suntanning 'RS' 275W |
11-XI-2022 |
Journals |
The GE Magazine of Light - 1943 No.5, USA |
31-X-2022 |
Lamp |
Osram-GEC 'Osira' MA/V 150W Medium Pressure Mercury |
30-X-2022 |
Lamp |
Philips Ultrasol 5023 Self-Ballasted Mercury Ultraviolet |
16-X-2022 |
Advert |
GE-Mazda Advertisements Advertisements for Sunlight Mercury Lamps of 1929, 1932 and 1933 |
15-X-2022 |
Lamp |
GE-Mazda Sunlight Mercury S-2 updated with illuminated photographs |
01-X-2022 |
Classification |
Thorn Lighting codes for Airfield, Glass Halogen, Halogen Heat, and Halogen Experimental |
01-X-2022 |
Classification |
Military Lamp codes for UK Admiralty, Air Ministry, DofE and NATO Inter-Service codes |
01-X-2022 |
Classification |
UK Trinity House Engineering Chief's codes for Lighthouse Lamps |
01-X-2022 |
Classification |
UK Lighting Industry Federation (LIF) codes for Photo-Optic Lamps |
01-X-2022 |
Classification |
USA American National Standards Institute (ANS) codes for Photo-Optic Lamps |
01-X-2022 |
Classification |
New section commenced with coding and classification systems for electric lamps |
21-VIII-2022 |
Lamp |
Osram Compact Fluorescent Double Dulux Low Voltage 13W |
15-VIII-2022 |
Lamp |
Osram Compact Fluorescent Dulux D/E 13W |
15-VIII-2022 |
Lamp |
Philips Compact Fluorescent PLC 10W |
15-VIII-2022 |
Lamp |
Sylvania Compact Fluorescent Sy-Lynx D 13W |
14-VIII-2022 |
Lamp |
Narva Compact Fluorescent LD:9 9W |
14-VIII-2022 |
Lamp |
Tesla Compact Fluorescent DZ*9 9W |
07-VIII-2022 |
Lamp |
Sylvania Compact Fluorescent F5TT/27K 5W |
07-VIII-2022 |
Lamp |
Osram Compact Fluorescent Dulux-S 7W |
24-VII-2022 |
Technical |
Fluorescent lamp lifetime page updated |
24-VII-2022 |
People |
Biography of Frederick Fish updated with dates of birth and death |
24-VII-2022 |
People |
Biography of Forée Bain updated with date of death |
23-VII-2022 |
Catalogue |
Osram-GEC - 1997 Australia |
21-VII-2022 |
Movie |
Incandescent lampmaking at Philips Lighting Weert, 1999 |
21-VII-2022 |
Movie |
Philips publicity film on the tungsten-halogen lamp, 1960 |
18-VII-2022 |
Factory |
GE Cleveland Wire Plant Profile updated with promotional video film of 1964 |
18-VI-2022 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Fluorescent Blacklight BL368 Quantum - c.2005 UK |
18-VI-2022 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Fluorescent Blacklight BL350 - 2003 UK |
18-VI-2022 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Metal Halide BrieArc /2 - 2003 Germany |
18-VI-2022 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Metal Halide HSI Range - 1998 UK |
18-VI-2022 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Metal Halide HSI BriteLux - 1998 UK |
18-VI-2022 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Metal Halide HSI BriteLux - 1995 UK |
18-VI-2022 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Petcare Fluorescent - 1995 Germany |
18-VI-2022 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Incandescent Satin - 198x UK
18-VI-2022 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Photographic Lamps - 1976 Germany |
18-VI-2022 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Projection Lamps - 1976 Germany |
18-VI-2022 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Fluorescent Lamps - 1983 Belgium |
18-VI-2022 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Incandescent Lamps - 197x Belgium |
18-VI-2022 |
Catalogue |
Sylvania - 1988 UK |
18-VI-2022 |
Catalogue |
Crompton - 1986 UK |
18-VI-2022 |
Catalogue |
Omega - 1962 UK |
18-VI-2022 |
Catalogue |
BTH-Mazda - 1950 UK |
17-V-2022 |
Book |
Electric Lamps: Part D Discharge, publ. British Lighting Council - 1968 UK |
17-V-2022 |
Book |
Electric Lamps: Part C Incandescent, publ. British Lighting Council - 1971 UK |
17-V-2022 |
Book |
Electric Lamps: Part B Fluorescent, publ. British Lighting Council - 1967 UK |
17-V-2022 |
Book |
Electric Lamps: Part A Fundamentals, publ. British Lighting Council - 1967 UK |
17-V-2022 |
Book |
Electric Lamps, publ. Electric Lamp Manufacturers' Association - 1949 UK |
23-IV-2022 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Incandescent Brilliant T60 - 1995 Germany |
23-IV-2022 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Halogen PAR Deluxe - 1995 Germany |
23-IV-2022 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Halogen MR11/MR16 Professional Deluxe - 1995 Germany |
23-IV-2022 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Halogen MR11/MR16 Professional Deluxe Downlighter - 1995 Germany |
23-IV-2022 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Metal Halide HSI Series - 1995 Germany |
23-IV-2022 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - High Pressure Sodium Super - 2004 UK |
16-IV-2022 |
Catalogue |
AEI-Mazda - 1957 UK |
16-IV-2022 |
Link |
Link to Péter Horváth's Fénymúzeum of Historic Lamps (in Hungarian) |
09-IV-2022 |
Link |
Link to Tungsram Stories website (in Hungarian) |
26-III-2022 |
Lamp |
Westinghouse Compact Fluorescent Econ-Nova 25W |
20-III-2022 |
Journals |
The GE Lampmaker - 1950 February, USA |
13-II-2022 |
Lamp |
Osram Compact Fluorescent Dulux L 24W with early G32q-1 cap |
13-II-2022 |
Lamp |
GE Compact Fluorescent Mod-U-Line 13W |
13-II-2022 |
Lamp |
Philips Compact Fluorescent PL*9W |
12-II-2022 |
Machinery |
Eisler Lampmaking Machinery Catalogue - 1945 USA |
20-XII-2021 |
Machinery |
Thorn Stellox & SON Equipment - 198x UK |
20-XII-2021 |
Machinery |
Thorn Manufacturing Systems Unit Enfield - 198x UK |
20-XII-2021 |
Machinery |
Sylvania Brochure for Linear Indexing Chassis - 1961 USA |
20-XII-2021 |
Machinery |
Philips Eindhoven Factory 'M' - 197x Holland |
20-XII-2021 |
Machinery |
Lighting Resources International Catalogue - 199x USA |
20-XII-2021 |
Machinery |
Osram-GEC Solarcolour HPS Equipment - 1971 UK |
20-XII-2021 |
Machinery |
Falma Catalogue - 1995 Switzerland |
20-XII-2021 |
Machinery |
Brückner Catalogue - 1986 Germany |
20-XII-2021 |
Machinery |
Badalex Catalogue - 199x UK |
20-XII-2021 |
Machinery |
New section concerning lamp manufacturing machinery |
19-XII-2021 |
Components |
Toshiba - Lamp Chemicals - YOX Phosphor - 1983 Japan |
19-XII-2021 |
Components |
GE-Current - Lamp Chemicals - 2020 USA |
19-XII-2021 |
Components |
Hereaus Materials - Metals - PVD Coatings - 2005 Germany |
19-XII-2021 |
Components |
Toshiba Lamp Components - Metals - Tungsten & Molybdenum - 1985 Japan |
19-XII-2021 |
Components |
Toshiba Lamp Components - Ceramics - Aluminium Nitride - 198x Japan |
19-XII-2021 |
Components |
NGK Insulators - Ceramics - Hiceram Tubing - 2016 Japan |
19-XII-2021 |
Components |
NGK Insulators - Ceramics - Hiceram Tubing - 199x Japan |
19-XII-2021 |
Components |
Philips Lamp Components - Ceramics - PCA Tubing - 1990 Holland |
19-XII-2021 |
Components |
Telux Glass - Hardglass Bulbs - 2014 Germany |
19-XII-2021 |
Components |
Vermont Glass - Special Glass Bulbs - 198x France |
19-XII-2021 |
Components |
Corning - Lighting Glass - 1988 USA |
19-XII-2021 |
Components |
Y&L Yaming-Venture Lamp Components - 199x China |
19-XII-2021 |
Components |
Toshiba Lamp Components - 1985 Japan |
19-XII-2021 |
Components |
Philips Lamp Components - 2012 China |
18-XII-2021 |
Lamp |
Philora DC Sodium 4000lm updated with illuminated photographs |
13-XII-2021 |
Lamp |
Philips Mercury Blacklight Fluorescent HPW 125W TS |
01-XII-2021 |
Lamp |
SELZ Mercury Blacklight Reflector ДРУФЗ 125-1 (DRUFZ 125-1) |
07-XI-2021 |
Tech. Paper |
IGAR Lamps and their Application in Photocopying, R.T.Izekov & A.P.Ivanov, Electrozavod 1935 |
06-XI-2021 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components - Fused Quartz, 1985 USA |
06-XI-2021 |
Components |
Sylvania Lamp Components - Fused Quartz, 1985 USA |
06-XI-2021 |
Components |
Osram Sylvania Lamp Components - Fused Quartz, 1994 USA |
06-XI-2021 |
Components |
Osram Sylvania Lamp Components - Capping Cements, 1994 USA |
06-XI-2021 |
Components |
Osram Lamp Components - Caps & Capping Cements, 1985 Germany |
06-XI-2021 |
Components |
Philips Lamp Components - Quartz Data Sheets, 1987 Holland |
06-XI-2021 |
Components |
Philips Lamp Components - Quartz & Special Glass, 200x Holland |
06-XI-2021 |
Components |
Philips Lamp Components - Glass Pellets, 200x Holland |
06-XI-2021 |
Components |
Philips Lamp Components - Glass Special Products, 200x Holland |
06-XI-2021 |
Components |
Philips Lamp Components - Glass & Ceramics, 200x Holland |
06-XI-2021 |
Components |
Philips Lamp Components - Lamp Chemicals, 1982 Holland |
06-XI-2021 |
Components |
Philips Lamp Components - 1991 USA |
05-XI-2021 |
Lamp |
MELZ Mercury Medium Pressure ИГАР-2 (IGAR-2) 500W |
05-XI-2021 |
Date Code |
New document added with overview of Narva-Berlin date codes |
31-X-2021 |
Catalogue |
Bergmann - 1925 Germany |
31-X-2021 |
Catalogue |
Osram - 1993 Italy (provided by Leonardo Rugi) |
31-X-2021 |
Catalogue |
Osram - 2017 Mexico |
31-X-2021 |
Catalogue |
Osram - 2016 Mexico |
31-X-2021 |
Catalogue |
Osram - 2015 Mexico |
31-X-2021 |
Catalogue |
Osram - 2014 Mexico |
31-X-2021 |
Catalogue |
Osram - 2010/2011 UK |
31-X-2021 |
Catalogue |
Philips - 2019 Mexico |
31-X-2021 |
Catalogue |
Philips - 2018 Mexico |
31-X-2021 |
Catalogue |
Philips - 2017 Mexico |
31-X-2021 |
Catalogue |
Philips - 2015 Mexico |
31-X-2021 |
Catalogue |
Philips - 2010 Mexico |
31-X-2021 |
Catalogue |
Philips - c.2012 Central America |
30-X-2021 |
Brochure |
Philips - Philora HPL Mercury Fluorescent - 1939 Belgium (Provided by Olav Kettner) |
30-X-2021 |
Brochure |
Philips - Philora ML500 Mercury Blended - 1941 Belgium (Provided by Olav Kettner) |
30-X-2021 |
Brochure |
Thorn EMI - Automotive Lamps - 1984 UK |
30-X-2021 |
Lamp |
GE Halarc Electronic Miser Maxi-Light updated |
30-X-2021 |
Lamp |
GE Halarc Electronic First Light Clear updated |
25-X-2021 |
Lamp |
Osram High Pressure Sodium NAV-E 70W/NB with reduced voltage for East German states |
23-X-2021 |
Lamp |
Osram Medium Pressure Mercury HgH2000 450W |
23-X-2021 |
Lamp |
Philips Mercury-Blended ML 160W Clear PS90 with early hydrogen getter |
19-X-2021 |
Lamp |
Osram GEC First Coiled-Coil Tungsten Filament GLS 240V 60W |
17-X-2021 |
Brochure |
Sylvania-Vauka - Incandescent Lamps - 1956 Germany (Provided by Michael Glück) |
17-X-2021 |
Brochure |
Sylvania-Vauka - Fluorescent Lamps - 1956 Germany (Provided by Michael Glück) |
03-X-2021 |
Lamp |
Thorn Compact Fluorescent 2D 16W half coated updated |
03-X-2021 |
Lamp |
Thorn Compact Fluorescent 2D 16W first generation |
02-X-2021 |
Brochure |
Tungsram - Mercury Lamps - 1958 Austria (Provided by Olav Kettner) |
02-X-2021 |
Brochure |
Narva - Ultraviolet Sources - 1978 Germany (Provided by Olav Kettner) |
25-IX-2021 |
People |
Biography of Emmett Wiley updated with photograph |
10-IX-2021 |
Companies |
The General Electric Story Volume 4 - 1980 USA |
10-IX-2021 |
Companies |
The General Electric Story Volume 3 - 1980 USA |
10-IX-2021 |
Companies |
The General Electric Story Volume 2 - 1980 USA |
10-IX-2021 |
Companies |
The General Electric Story Volume 1 - 1980 USA |
10-IX-2021 |
Lamp |
SELA Abadie 6002 Low Voltage DC Mercury Blacklight |
26-VII-2021 |
Lamp |
GE Compact Source Xenon Dichroic Reflector 500W |
25-VII-2021 |
Lamp |
BTH-Mazda Incandescent Blacklight Military 12V 60W |
21-VII-2021 |
Lamp |
SPO Svetotekhnika LUF-4 Miniature Low Voltage DC Mercury Blacklight |
21-VII-2021 |
Lamp |
GE F5000 Miniature Low Voltage DC Mercury Blacklight |
28-VI-2021 |
Lamp |
Osram HNV 9W Miniature Low Voltage DC Mercury Discharge |
28-VI-2021 |
Lamp |
Osram HgN 13W Miniature Low Voltage DC Mercury Discharge |
27-VI-2021 |
Lamp |
Sylvania ELH MR16 Dichroic with Peened Reflector |
07-VI-2021 |
Lamp |
Sylvania Halogen Professional Metal AR70 Aluminium Reflector, 12V 20W |
06-VI-2021 |
Lamp |
Osram-GEC Halogen Power Beam AR58 Aluminium Reflector, M/84 12V 50W |
05-VI-2021 |
Lamp |
Osram Halogen Halo Star AR70 Aluminium Reflector, first generation 12V 50W |
31-V-2021 |
Lamp |
Philips MR16 Halogen Low Voltage with Dichroic Reflector, type 'Masterline' EXN 12V 50W |
31-V-2021 |
Lamp |
Philips MR16 Halogen Low Voltage with Square Dichroic Reflector, type 50MR16SQ-FL |
30-V-2021 |
Lamp |
Philips MR16 Halogen Low Voltage with Dichroic Reflector, type FPF 12V 50W |
29-V-2021 |
Lamp |
Philips AR56 Halogen Low Voltage with Aluminium Reflector, type GBG 6V 35W |
24-V-2021 |
Lamp |
GE Twist-and-Lock Halogen Low Voltage with Dichroic Reflector, type TAL423 12V 50W |
23-V-2021 |
People |
Biography of Roger Hume |
22-V-2021 |
People |
Biography of Emmett Wiley updated |
22-V-2021 |
Lamp |
Thorn M/51 FTB Halogen Dichroic Reflector MR11 |
30-IV-2021 |
Lamp |
GE ENL MR16 Dichroic with Facetted Reflector |
25-IV-2021 |
Lamp |
GE EJM First MR16 Dichroic Reflector |
25-IV-2021 |
Lamp |
Atlas T/15 1000W Theatre Halogen with Bulged Tubular Envelope |
23-IV-2021 |
People |
Biography of Alex Halberstadt |
23-IV-2021 |
Lamp |
Thorn K/14 100W Double-Ended Halogen with Quartz Spine Construction |
23-IV-2021 |
Lamp |
Victory 1000W Halogen Infrared Spaceheater with Ruby-Slim Quartz Bulb |
28-III-2021 |
Companies |
Claude - Company Profile - 198x France |
28-III-2021 |
Companies |
Sylvania - GTE Sylvania Company Profile - 196x USA |
28-III-2021 |
Catalogue |
Philips - 1936 France |
28-III-2021 |
Catalogue |
Nox - 1920 UK |
28-III-2021 |
Catalogue |
Kremenezky Metallum - 1920 Austria |
28-III-2021 |
Brochure |
Philips - Sodium Lamps - 1950 France (Provided by Olav Kettner) |
28-III-2021 |
Catalogue |
Tesla - 1983 Germany (Provided by Olav Kettner) |
19-III-2021 |
Catalogue |
Tungsram - 1968 Austria |
19-III-2021 |
Catalogue |
Tungsram - 1955 Germany |
19-III-2021 |
Catalogue |
Tungsram - 1939 France |
19-III-2021 |
Catalogue |
Tungsram - 1934 Belgium |
19-III-2021 |
Catalogue |
Narva - 1974 Germany |
19-III-2021 |
Companies |
Westinghouse - Lamp Division Operations - 1951 USA |
13-III-2021 |
Lamp |
Philips 2000W Halogen Infrared Spaceheater with HeLeN Dichroic Coating |
13-III-2021 |
People |
Biography of John N. Aldington |
12-III-2021 |
Brochure |
Narva - Halogen Lamps - 1970 Germany |
10-III-2021 |
Components |
Tesla - Holešovice PCA Alumina Tubing - c.1995 Czechia |
10-III-2021 |
Catalogue |
Teslamp - Holešovice - c.1998 Czechia |
10-III-2021 |
Catalogue |
Tesla - Holešovice - c.1996 Czechia |
10-III-2021 |
Catalogue |
Tesla - Brno - c.1993 Czechia |
10-III-2021 |
Catalogue |
Tesla - Nové Zámky - c.1993 Slovakia |
10-III-2021 |
Catalogue |
Polam Pabjanice - 1996 Poland |
10-III-2021 |
Catalogue |
Selum / Steaua - c.1980 Romania |
05-III-2021 |
People |
Biography of Norman L. Norris updated with photograph |
05-III-2021 |
People |
Biography of Frederick C. Kirchner updated with photograph |
05-III-2021 |
Journals |
The GE Lampmaker - 1948 December, USA |
05-III-2021 |
Companies |
Tungsram - Hungarian Employees - 2015 Hungary |
05-III-2021 |
Companies |
Tungsram - Gennevilliers French Operations - 194x France |
05-III-2021 |
Companies |
Tungsram - 100th Anniversary - 2006 Hungary |
05-III-2021 |
Companies |
Tungsram - 50th Anniversary - 1946 Hungary |
05-III-2021 |
Companies |
Sylvania - Thailand Company Profile - 2008 Thailand |
05-III-2021 |
Companies |
Sylvania - SLI Brand Licensing - 2004 Europe |
05-III-2021 |
Companies |
Sylvania - GTE Europe Company Profile - 197x Belgium |
05-III-2021 |
Companies |
Sylvania - The Lightmasters - 197x USA |
05-III-2021 |
Companies |
Sylvania - 50th Anniversary - 1951 USA |
05-III-2021 |
Companies |
Banner Electric Division, National Lamp Works of GE - 20th Anniversary - 1921 USA |
05-III-2021 |
Companies |
The Establishment and Decline of British Thomson-Houston & Metropolitan Vickers - 2005 UK |
05-III-2021 |
Companies |
History of The General Electric Company of England Part 2 - 1999 UK |
05-III-2021 |
Companies |
History of The General Electric Company of England Part 1 - 1999 UK |
05-III-2021 |
Companies |
GEC, Review of Operations - 1984 UK |
05-III-2021 |
Companies |
GEC, Review of Operations - 1983 UK |
05-III-2021 |
Companies |
GEC, Review of Activities - 1982 UK |
05-III-2021 |
Companies |
GEC, Review of Activities - 1981 UK |
05-III-2021 |
Companies |
GEC, Who We Are - 1979 UK (via Rochester Avionics Archives) |
05-III-2021 |
Companies |
General Electric & National In the World War - 1920 USA |
05-III-2021 |
Companies |
Thorn Lighting, The First Sixty Years - 1988 UK |
05-III-2021 |
Companies |
Thorn Lighting, The First Sixty Years - 1988 UK |
05-III-2021 |
Brochure |
Narva - Spectral Lamps - 1974 Germany (Provided by Olav Kettner) |
05-III-2021 |
Catalogue |
Narva - 1990 Germany (Provided by Olav Kettner) |
05-III-2021 |
Catalogue |
Crompton - 1994 Australia (Provided by Neil Palmer) |
05-III-2021 |
Date Code |
Date Code for lamps manufactured at E.L.M.A. Australia |
01-III-2021 |
Brochure |
Narva - Discharge Lamps - 1986 Germany (Provided by Olav Kettner) |
01-III-2021 |
Catalogue |
Tesla - 1969 Czechoslovakia (Provided by Olav Kettner) |
01-III-2021 |
Catalogue |
Narva - 1992 Germany (Provided by Olav Kettner) |
01-III-2021 |
Catalogue |
Narva - 1982 Germany (Provided by Olav Kettner) |
01-III-2021 |
Catalogue |
Narva - 1975 Germany (Provided by Olav Kettner) |
27-II-2021 |
Catalogue |
Philips - 2016 USA |
27-II-2021 |
Catalogue |
Philips - 2016 Israel |
27-II-2021 |
Catalogue |
Philips - 2015 USA |
27-II-2021 |
Catalogue |
Philips - 2014 Australia |
27-II-2021 |
Catalogue |
Philips - 2013 USA |
27-II-2021 |
Catalogue |
Philips - 2013 UK |
27-II-2021 |
Catalogue |
Philips - 2011 USA |
27-II-2021 |
Catalogue |
Philips - 2010 UK |
27-II-2021 |
Catalogue |
Philips - 2009 UK |
27-II-2021 |
Catalogue |
Philips - 2004 USA |
27-II-2021 |
Catalogue |
Philips - 1991 USA (Provided by Alan Masters) |
27-II-2021 |
Catalogue |
Philips - 1988 USA (Provided by Alan Masters) |
27-II-2021 |
Catalogue |
Philips - 1987 USA (Provided by Alan Masters) |
27-II-2021 |
Catalogue |
Philips - 1986 USA (Provided by Alan Masters) |
27-II-2021 |
Catalogue |
Philips - 1985 USA (Provided by Alan Masters) |
27-II-2021 |
Catalogue |
Westinghouse - 1983 USA (Provided by Alan Masters) |
27-II-2021 |
Catalogue |
Westinghouse - 1980 USA (Provided by Alan Masters) |
27-II-2021 |
Catalogue |
Westinghouse - 1979 USA (Provided by Alan Masters) |
27-II-2021 |
Catalogue |
Westinghouse - 1978-Oct USA (Provided by Alan Masters) |
27-II-2021 |
Catalogue |
Westinghouse - 1978-Feb USA (Provided by Alan Masters) |
27-II-2021 |
Catalogue |
Westinghouse - 1975 USA (Provided by Alan Masters) |
27-II-2021 |
Catalogue |
Westinghouse - 1938 USA (Provided by Alan Masters) |
27-II-2021 |
Catalogue |
Westinghouse - 1934 USA (Provided by Alan Masters) |
27-II-2021 |
Catalogue |
Sawyer-Man - 1904 USA |
27-II-2021 |
Catalogue |
Sylvania - 2016 China |
27-II-2021 |
Catalogue |
Sylvania - 2016 Europe |
27-II-2021 |
Catalogue |
Sylvania Special Products - 2009 Europe |
27-II-2021 |
Catalogue |
Polam - 1987 Germany (Provided by Olav Kettner) |
27-II-2021 |
Catalogue |
Narva - 1973 Germany (Provided by Olav Kettner) |
27-II-2021 |
Brochure |
Narva - New Products - 1983 Germany (Provided by Olav Kettner) |
27-II-2021 |
Brochure |
Narva - New Products - 1973 Germany (Provided by Olav Kettner) |
26-II-2021 |
Lamp |
GE-Thorn 1500W Halogen Infrared Spaceheater with Ruby Quartz Jacket |
26-II-2021 |
Lamp |
Thorn EMI 1500W Halogen Infrared Spaceheater with Ruby-Slim Quartz Bulb |
26-II-2021 |
Catalogue |
Iwasaki Electric Co. (EYE Lighting) - 2008 Japan |
26-II-2021 |
Catalogue |
Iwasaki Electric Co. (EYE Lighting) - 1988 Japan |
26-II-2021 |
Catalogue |
Compagnie des Lampes (Mazda) - 1951 France (Provided by Olav Kettner) |
26-II-2021 |
Brochure |
Philips - Industrial Lighting - 1962 France (Provided by Olav Kettner) |
26-II-2021 |
Brochure |
Radium - Mercury Lamps - 1960 Germany (Provided by Olav Kettner) |
26-II-2021 |
Brochure |
Narva - Ultraviolet Sources - 1984 Germany (Provided by Olav Kettner) |
26-II-2021 |
Brochure |
Narva - Natralox Sodium - 1979 Germany (Provided by Olav Kettner) |
26-II-2021 |
Brochure |
Narva - Nachroma Metal Halide - 1974 Germany |
26-II-2021 |
Brochure |
Narva - Naviflux Mercury - 1980 Germany (Provided by Olav Kettner) |
26-II-2021 |
Brochure |
Narva - Projection - 1961 Germany |
26-II-2021 |
Brochure |
VEB Berliner Glühlampenwerk - Photographic - 1960 Germany (Provided by Olav Kettner) |
26-II-2021 |
Brochure |
VEB Berliner Glühlampenwerk - Mercury - 1960 Germany (Provided by Olav Kettner) |
26-II-2021 |
Brochure |
VEB Berliner Glühlampenwerk - Fluorescent - 1963 Germany (Provided by Olav Kettner) |
26-II-2021 |
Brochure |
VEB Berliner Glühlampenwerk - Incandescent - 1960 Germany (Provided by Olav Kettner) |
20-II-2021 |
Lamp |
Thorn EMI Halogen Infrared Side Reflector Cooker 450W |
19-II-2021 |
Brochure |
Siemens - Sieray Discharge Lamps - 1937 UK (Provided by Olav Kettner) |
06-II-2021 |
Lamp |
GE 500T3/CL Quartz Infrared Linear 500W |
30-I-2021 |
Lamp |
Kyokko Longwave Infrared Heater 40W |
29-I-2021 |
Lamp |
Narva Infrared Linear Industrial 500W |
29-I-2021 |
Lamp |
Philips Infrared Industrial, Blown Glass R125 250W Ruby |
24-XII-2020 |
Lamp |
Philips Infrared Therapeutic, Infraphil Blown Glass R95E 150W Ruby |
23-XII-2020 |
Lamp |
Philips Infrared Therapeutic, Infraphil Pressed Glass 13379F/479 150W Ruby |
23-XII-2020 |
Lamp |
Philips Infrared Therapeutic, Infraphil Blown Glass 13373F/479 150W Ruby |
19-XII-2020 |
Catalogue |
GE, 1969, USA |
11-XII-2020 |
Lamp |
GE Infrared Brooder 250W |
31-X-2020 |
Catalogue |
Thorn, 1979 UK |
31-X-2020 |
Catalogue |
Thorn, 1975 UK |
31-X-2020 |
Catalogue |
Philips, 1969 UK |
31-X-2020 |
Catalogue |
Osram, 1970 Germany |
31-X-2020 |
Factory |
General Electric - Bellevue Lamp Plant updated with additional images |
11-X-2020 |
Lamp |
Sylvania Induction Incandescent Radio Frequency Lamp |
21-IX-2020 |
Lamp |
Sylvania Infrared Reptile Nightlight Ruby Glass 100W |
21-IX-2020 |
Lamp |
Philips Infrared Incubator Moederlamp Orange Coated 100W |
20-IX-2020 |
Lamp |
Thorn Infrared Reflector Hardglass Clear 275W |
13-IX-2020 |
Lamp |
GE Infrared Drying Lamp Bi-Post 500W |
13-IX-2020 |
Lamp |
Robertson Infrared Carbon Heater 65W 16CP |
13-IX-2020 |
Lamp |
Ediswan Thermalite Infrared Carbon Radiator 200W |
12-IX-2020 |
Lamp |
Tricity Sunray Infrared Tungsten Radiator 200W |
12-IX-2020 |
Lamp |
Robertson Infrared Carbon Radiator Horizontal 250W CV311 |
06-IX-2020 |
Lamp |
Robertson Infrared Carbon Radiator Flame-Tinted 250W |
26-VIII-2020 |
Lamp |
BTH-Mazda 'Vite' 150W Mild Ultraviolet Daylight Incandescent |
22-VIII-2020 |
Lamp |
Westinghouse CX 250W Mild Ultraviolet Incandescent |
21-VIII-2020 |
Lamp |
GE Purple-X UV Blacklight Mercury H100-BL4 |
21-VIII-2020 |
Lamp |
GE Purple-X UV Blacklight Incandescent 250A21/60 |
04-VIII-2020 |
Brochure |
Osram XBO Lamps, 1964 Germany, provided by Michael Glück |
04-VIII-2020 |
Catalogue |
Sylvania, 1964 Germany, provided by Michael Glück |
04-VIII-2020 |
Catalogue |
Radium, 1954 Germany, provided by Michael Glück |
25-VII-2020 |
Catalogue |
BTH-Mazda, 1941 UK |
24-VII-2020 |
Lamp |
GE Tuff-Skin Rough Service Shatterproof Incandescent 150PS25TF |
19-VII-2020 |
Lamp |
GE-Thorn Calmat SBL4 Sealed Beam PAR64 400/2000W UV Photo-printing |
16-VII-2020 |
Lamp |
Osram Metal Halide Rare Earth, Power Stars HQIL 400W of 1968 |
12-VII-2020 |
Site |
Updates page layout improved to facilitate navigation |
05-VII-2020 |
Lamp |
Philips Mercury Reflector Horticultural HLRG 400W |
02-VII-2020 |
Lamp |
Sylvania Mercury Fluorescent Warm Deluxe H33-1-GL/WDX 400W |
20-VI-2020 |
Datasheet |
Philips - Discharge Lamps - SON-H, 1977 UK |
20-VI-2020 |
Datasheet |
Philips - Discharge Lamps - SON, 1977 UK |
20-VI-2020 |
Datasheet |
Philips - Discharge Lamps - SOX, 1977 UK |
20-VI-2020 |
Datasheet |
Philips - Discharge Lamps - MBF & MBFR, 1977 UK |
20-VI-2020 |
Datasheet |
Philips - Discharge Lamps - MB/U, 1977 UK |
20-VI-2020 |
Datasheet |
Philips - Fluorescent Lamps - SL Compact, 1980 UK |
20-VI-2020 |
Datasheet |
Philips - Halogen Lamps Traffic Signal, 1977 UK |
20-VI-2020 |
Datasheet |
Philips - Halogen Lamps - Reflector, 1985 UK |
20-VI-2020 |
Datasheet |
Philips - Halogen Lamps - Linear, 1977 UK |
20-VI-2020 |
Datasheet |
Philips - Discharge Lamps - SON, 1969 UK |
20-VI-2020 |
Datasheet |
Philips - Discharge Lamps - SOX, 1969 UK |
20-VI-2020 |
Datasheet |
Philips - Discharge Lamps - MBT & MBTL, 1969 UK |
20-VI-2020 |
Datasheet |
Philips - Discharge Lamps - MBFR/U, 1969 UK |
20-VI-2020 |
Datasheet |
Philips - Discharge Lamps - MB/U, 1969 UK |
20-VI-2020 |
Datasheet |
Philips - Discharge Lamps, 1969 UK |
20-VI-2020 |
Brochure |
Philips - Sodium Lamps, 1960 UK |
20-VI-2020 |
Brochure |
Philips - HPL Mercury Fluorescent Lamps, 1948 BE |
20-VI-2020 |
Brochure |
Philips - Philora Lamps, 1937 Czechoslovakia |
20-VI-2020 |
Catalogue |
BTH-Mazda, 1939 UK |
05-IV-2020 |
Factory |
General Electric - Winchester Lamp Plant |
29-III-2020 |
Factory |
General Electric - Willoughby Quartz Plant |
28-III-2020 |
Factory |
General Electric - St.Louis Etzel Street Lamp Plant |
28-III-2020 |
Factory |
General Electric - St.Louis Locust Street Lamp Plant |
28-III-2020 |
Factory |
General Electric - St.Louis Olive Street Lamp Plant |
27-III-2020 |
Factory |
General Electric - Somerset Glass Plant |
27-III-2020 |
Factory |
General Electric - Ravenna Lamp Plant |
22-III-2020 |
Factory |
General Electric - Ravenna Colonial Lamp Works |
21-III-2020 |
Factory |
General Electric - Providence Base Plant |
21-III-2020 |
Factory |
General Electric - Plymouth Lamp Plant |
21-III-2020 |
Factory |
General Electric - Pitney Glass Plant |
16-III-2020 |
Factory |
General Electric - Seaboard Lamp Plant |
16-III-2020 |
Factory |
General Electric - Newark Lamp Plant |
15-III-2020 |
Factory |
General Electric - Newark Quartz Plant |
15-III-2020 |
Factory |
General Electric - Dover Products Plant updated |
13-III-2020 |
Factory |
General Electric - Cleveland Wire Plant updated |
12-III-2020 |
Lamp |
Sylvania Fluorescent Powertube Very High Output F48T12-CW-VHO |
24-I-2020 |
Factory |
General Electric - Memphis Lamp Plant |
18-I-2020 |
Factory |
General Electric - Mattoon Lamp Plant |
08-I-2020 |
People |
Biography of Leroy G. Leighton updated |
02-I-2020 |
Factory |
General Electric - Niles-Mahoning Glass Plant |
23-XII-2019 |
Factory |
General Electric - Lexington Lamp Plant |
22-XII-2019 |
Factory |
General Electric - Kentucky Glass Plant |
22-XII-2019 |
Factory |
General Electric - Jackson Lamp & Glass Plant |
21-XII-2019 |
Factory |
General Electric - Ivanhoe Road Chemical Plant |
21-XII-2019 |
Factory |
General Electric - Independence Equipment Plant |
14-XII-2019 |
Factory |
General Electric - Circleville Lamp Plant |
08-XII-2019 |
Factory |
General Electric - Bridgeville Glass Plant |
07-XII-2019 |
Date Code |
Date Codes : New document added with overview of Philips factory identification symbols |
01-XII-2019 |
People |
Biography of Emmett F. Wiley and the invention of the halogen lamp |
30-XI-2019 |
People |
Biography of Elmer G. Fridrich updated |
16-XI-2019 |
Lamp |
GE-Mazda Early Incandescent Photoflood with deep blue glass bulb |
17-XI-2019 |
Catalogue |
BTH-Mazda, 1938 UK |
16-XI-2019 |
Lamp |
GE-Mazda Early Ribbon-Filament Microscope Illuminator 108W 6V 18A |
15-XI-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Airfield Lamps, 2005 Europe |
15-XI-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Petcare Lamps, 2004 Europe |
15-XI-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Petcare Lamps, 2003 Europe |
15-XI-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - HID Metal Halide BriteArc, 2005 Europe |
15-XI-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - HID Metal Halide BriteSpot ES, 2003 Europe |
15-XI-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - HID Metal Halide CMI Ceramic, 2004 Europe |
15-XI-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - HID Sodium SHP TwinArc, 2004 Europe |
15-XI-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - HID Sodium SHP Super, 2005 Germany |
15-XI-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Fluorescent Compact MicroLynx F Coloured, 2004 Germany |
15-XI-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Fluorescent Compact MicroLynx F, 2005 Europe |
15-XI-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Fluorescent Compact Lynx T/TE, 2004 Europe |
15-XI-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Fluorescent Luxline Plus T5, 2004 USA |
15-XI-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Halogen HiSpot ES(D)111, 2005 Europe |
15-XI-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Petcare Lamps, 2000 Europe |
15-XI-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - HID Metal Halide BriteArc, 199x Belgium |
15-XI-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - HID Sodium Gro-Lux SHP, 1998 UK |
15-XI-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - HID Sodium EcoArc, 1998 UK |
15-XI-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - HID Sodium Mercury-Free, 1995 UK |
15-XI-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - HID Sodium TwinArc, 1995 UK |
15-XI-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - CFLi MiniLynx Ambience, 1998 UK |
15-XI-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - CFLi MiniLynx Automatic, 1998 UK |
15-XI-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - CFLi Lynx ES, 1995 UK |
15-XI-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - CFLi MiniLynx, 1994 Belgium |
15-XI-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Halogen SylStar Fibre Optic, 2000 Belgium |
15-XI-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Halogen HiSpot ES63, 1997 Switzerland |
15-XI-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Halogen HiSpot ES50 & ESD50, 1997 Switzerland |
15-XI-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Halogen HiSpot ES50, 1996 Switzerland |
15-XI-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Halogen PAR HiSpot50, 1997 UK |
15-XI-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Halogen PAR HiSpot, 1995 UK |
15-XI-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Halogen MR16 Superia, 1997 France |
15-XI-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Halogen MR16 Coolift, 1996 UK |
15-XI-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Halogen MR16 Coolift, 1995 UK |
15-XI-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Incandescent Traffic Signal, 1998 Switzerland |
15-XI-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Incandescent Industrial, 1998 Switzerland |
15-XI-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Incandescent Agricultural, 1998 Switzerland |
15-XI-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Incandescent Neodymium, 1998 Switzerland |
15-XI-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Incandescent Decorative, 1998 Switzerland |
15-XI-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Incandescent Long Life, 1998 Switzerland |
27-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Technical Manual HID Sodium, 1998 Europe |
27-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Technical Manual HID Metal Halide, 1998 Europe |
27-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Technical Manual Compact Fluorescent, 1998 Europe |
27-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Technical Manual Fluorescent T2, 1995 Belgium |
27-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Technical Manual HID Lamps, 199x Europe |
27-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Technical Manual UV Printing TMH, 199x Europe |
27-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Special Products BriteXe Xenon, 199x Europe |
27-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Special Products BriteScreen Projection, 199x Europe |
27-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Special Products BriteBeam, 199x Europe |
27-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Special Products BriteArc Single Ended, 199x Europe |
27-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Special Products BriteArc Double Ended, 199x Europe |
27-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Special Products Studio Halogen, 199x Europe |
27-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Special Products Theatre & Photographic, 199x Europe |
27-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Special Products Group, 1994 Europe |
27-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Special Lamps UV Printing TMH Tubular Metal Halide, 1997 Belgium |
27-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Special Lamps UV UV Blacklight 350nm, 1997 Belgium |
27-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Special Lamps UV Blacklight-Blue, 1997 Belgium |
27-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Special Lamps UV Germicidal, 1997 Belgium |
27-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Special Lamps BriteArc Single Ended, 1997 Belgium |
27-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Special Lamps Airfield Haloge, 1997 Belgium |
27-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - STTV Lamps, 1990 EU |
27-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - HID Sodium SON Extra, 1990 UK |
27-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - FL Subminiature T2, 1991 Belgium |
27-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - CFL Lynx Ambience, 1993 UK |
27-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - CFLi MiniLynx Electronic, 1994 UK |
27-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - CFLi Lynx Electronic, 199x UK |
27-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Halogen AR Professional Metal, 1993 UK |
27-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Halogen MR16 Professional Deluxe, 1991 UK |
27-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Halogen A-Line DLX, 199x UK |
22-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Lichttechnische Presentatie, 1985 Belgium |
22-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Fundamentals of Light Sources and Photochemistry, 1990 Switzerland |
22-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Performing Lights for the Perfoming Arts, 1987 UK |
22-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Metal Halide HSI-TD 150W/WDL Technical Manual, 1989 Switzerland |
22-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Metal Halide HSI-TD 70W/WDL Technical Manual, 1989 Switzerland |
22-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Metal Halide MetalArc Technical Manual, 1992 Switzerland |
22-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Metal Halide Super MetalArc, 1989 UK |
22-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Metal Halide Super MetalArc, 1989 Switzerland |
22-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Metal Halide MetalArc MP Protected, 1989 Switzerland |
22-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Metal Halide MetalArc M100, 1987 UK |
22-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Metal Halide Miniarc Self-Ballasted, 1983 Germany |
22-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Sodium SHP Standby, 1991 Switzerland |
22-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Discharge Lamps, 197x Switzerland |
22-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Compact Fluorescent Lynx Ambience, 1993 UK |
22-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Compact Fluorescent Lynx Technical Manual, 1991 UK |
22-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Compact Fluorescent Mini-Lynx, 1990 Belgium |
22-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Compact Fluorescent Lynx Diamant, 1986 Belgium |
22-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Compact Fluorescent Cheetah, 1985 UK |
22-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Fluorescent Starters, 1991 Switzerland |
22-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Fluorescent Gourmet 175, 1990 Switzerland |
22-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Fluorescent Lamps, 197x Switzerland |
22-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Halogen PAR Deluxe, 1992 UK |
22-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Halogen Professional Deluxe, 1991 Switzerland |
22-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Halogen Professional Metal, 1990 Switzerland |
22-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Halogen Tru-Aim Professional, 1988 Switzerland |
22-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Halogen Tru-Aim Professional, 1988 UK |
22-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Halogen Tru-Aim Professional, 1987 UK |
22-X-2019 |
Brochure |
Sylvania - Halogen Lamps, 1985 UK |
14-X-2019 |
Lamp |
GE Quartzline Q500T3/CL first generation double-ended linear halogen lamp 500W 120V |
14-X-2019 |
Lamp |
Westinghouse Mazda 1000T20 early projection lamp with bi-plane grid filament |
12-X-2019 |
Lamp |
GE National Mazda 400T20 early projection lamp with planar grid filament |
10-X-2019 |
Lamp |
Lumalux Lighthouse Halogen BSL/3H 200W 24V |
10-X-2019 |
Lamp |
GE American Lighthouse Halogen Q1000T20/BP 1000W 120V |
10-X-2019 |
Lamp |
GE American Lighthouse 250T14 250W 120V |
10-X-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components - Phosphor Data Sheets, 1980-1995 U.S.A.
28-IX-2019 |
Components |
Osram Lamp Components - Phosphor & Emitter, 1981 Germany |
28-IX-2019 |
Components |
Osram Lamp Components - Tungsten Filaments & Getter, 1983 Germany |
28-IX-2019 |
Components |
Osram Lamp Components - Tungsten Products, 1980 Germany |
28-IX-2019 |
Components |
Osram Lamp Components - Dumet & Mandrel Wire, 1980 Germany |
28-IX-2019 |
Components |
Osram Lamp Components - Caps, 1980 Germany |
28-IX-2019 |
Components |
Osram Lamp Components - Diamond Wire-Drawing Dies, 1980 Germany |
28-IX-2019 |
Components |
Osram Lamp Components - Glass, 1984 Germany |
28-IX-2019 |
Components |
Osram Lamp Components - Glass, 1981 Germany |
28-IX-2019 |
Components |
Philips Lamp Components - PCA Ceramics, 2007 Netherlands |
28-IX-2019 |
Components |
Philips Lamp Components - Quartz, 2007 Netherlands |
28-IX-2019 |
Components |
Philips Lamp Components - Glass, 2007 Netherlands |
28-IX-2019 |
Components |
Bruno Dietze GmbH, Leadwires & Glass-to-Metal Seals, 200x Germany |
28-IX-2019 |
Components |
H.Cross Company, Molybdenum Sealing Ribbon, 2009 USA |
22-IX-2019 |
Factory |
GE / Thorn Leicester updated with photographs of The Historic Lamps Collection |
22-IX-2019 |
Factory |
GE / Thorn Leicester updated with photographs of Mercury and SOX production |
21-IX-2019 |
Components |
Heraeus Feedthroughs for Ceramic HID Lamps, 2012 USA |
21-IX-2019 |
Components |
Heraeus Niobium HT1600 Alloy, 2012 USA |
21-IX-2019 |
Components |
Heraeus Special Metals Catalogue, 1988 Germany |
21-IX-2019 |
Components |
Glassbond Ltd., Cap Torsion Tester, 200x UK |
21-IX-2019 |
Components |
Glassbond Ltd., Cement Viscosity Tester, 200x UK |
21-IX-2019 |
Components |
Glassbond Ltd., K21 Phenolic Cement, 200x UK |
21-IX-2019 |
Components |
Glassbond Ltd., P966 Phenolic Cement, 200x UK |
21-IX-2019 |
Components |
Glassbond Ltd., 25th Anniversary, 2003 UK |
21-IX-2019 |
Components |
Glassbond Ltd., Lamp Capping Adhesives, 2003 UK |
21-IX-2019 |
Components |
Vitri Barcelona, Lamp Caps, 1988 UK |
21-IX-2019 |
Components |
Lamp Caps Ltd., Lamp Caps, 197x UK |
21-IX-2019 |
Components |
Tungsram Lamp Components, Diamond Wire-Drawing Dies, 199x Hungary |
21-IX-2019 |
Components |
Tungsram Lamp Components, Tungsten Filaments & Electrodes, 199x Hungary |
21-IX-2019 |
Components |
Tungsram Lamp Components, Tungsten Products, 200x Hungary |
21-IX-2019 |
Components |
Tungsram Lamp Components, Tungsten Wire, 199x Hungary |
21-IX-2019 |
Components |
Tungsram Lamp Components, Phosphors, 199x Hungary |
21-IX-2019 |
Components |
Tungsram Lamp Components, Leadwires, 199x Hungary |
21-IX-2019 |
Components |
Tungsram Lamp Components, Glass Bulbs & Tubes, 199x Hungary |
21-IX-2019 |
Components |
Tungsram Lamp Components, Caps, 200x Hungary |
21-IX-2019 |
Components |
Tungsram Lamp Components, Caps, 199x Hungary |
21-IX-2019 |
Components |
GTE Sylvania Glass Catalogue, 198x USA |
21-IX-2019 |
Components |
EMGO (Osram-Philips) Glass Ribbon Bulb Catalogue, 2007 Belgium |
21-IX-2019 |
Components |
Osram Lamp Components, General Catalogue, 1980 DE |
21-IX-2019 |
Components |
Philips Lamp Components, Granus Alkyde Caps, 1982 DE |
21-IX-2019 |
Components |
Philips Lamp Components, Granus Alkyde Caps, 197x DE |
21-IX-2019 |
Components |
Philips Lamp Components, Vitrite Caps, 2001 NL |
21-IX-2019 |
Components |
Philips Lamp Components, Vitrite Caps, 1988 NL |
21-IX-2019 |
Components |
Philips Lamp Components, Vitrite Caps, 197x NL |
21-IX-2019 |
Components |
Philips Lamp Components, Molybdenum Sealing Ribbon, 2000 NL |
21-IX-2019 |
Components |
Philips Lamp Components, Leadwires, 2001 NL |
21-IX-2019 |
Components |
Philips Lamp Components, Phosphors, 2001 NL |
21-IX-2019 |
Components |
Philips Lamp Components, Chemicals, 2001 NL |
15-IX-2019 |
Components |
Philips Lamp Components, Diamond Wire-Drawing Dies, 1975 FR |
15-IX-2019 |
Components |
Hereaus Metals - Niobium Lamp Parts, 2010 US |
15-IX-2019 |
Components |
Hereaus Metals - PVD Coatings, 2005 DE |
15-IX-2019 |
Components |
Hereaus Metals - Special Metals Brochure, 1998 DE |
15-IX-2019 |
Components |
GTE Sylvania Tungsten Filaments & Electrodes, 198x IT |
15-IX-2019 |
Components |
GTE Sylvania Tungsten Mesh Heaters, 197x US |
15-IX-2019 |
Components |
NGK Insulators, Hiceram Alumina Arc Tubes, 2011 JP |
15-IX-2019 |
Components |
Morgan Crucible Co., Micatherm Lamp Bases, 198x UK |
15-IX-2019 |
Components |
Lamp Metals Ltd., General Catalogue, 198x UK |
15-IX-2019 |
Components |
Henry Wiggin, Glass-to-Metal Seals, 195x UK |
15-IX-2019 |
Components |
Westdeutsche Quarzschmelze, Quartz Plate, 198x DE |
15-IX-2019 |
Components |
Westdeutsche Quarzschmelze, Quartz Glass, 197x DE |
15-IX-2019 |
Components |
Corning Lighting Plastics - Automotive Optics, 1989 US |
15-IX-2019 |
Components |
Corning Lighting Glass - Vycor 96% Silica, 1986 US |
15-IX-2019 |
Components |
Corning Lighting Glass - Halogen Tubing, 1988 US |
15-IX-2019 |
Components |
Corning Lighting Glass - Halogen Tubing, 1984 US |
15-IX-2019 |
Components |
Corning Lighting Glass - Pressed MR11, MR16, 1989 US |
15-IX-2019 |
Components |
Corning Lighting Glass - Pressed Automotive, 1988 US |
15-IX-2019 |
Components |
Corning Lighting Glass, 1988 US |
15-IX-2019 |
Components |
Corning Glass Properties, 1971 US |
15-IX-2019 |
Components |
Corning Glass Properties, 1959 US |
15-IX-2019 |
Components |
Anderson Physical Labs (APL) Materials for Discharge Lamps, 199x USA |
15-IX-2019 |
Components |
SLI Glass Ribbon Bulbs Catalogue, 2004 UK |
15-IX-2019 |
Components |
GB Glass Ribbon Bulbs Catalogue, 1994 UK |
30-VIII-2019 |
Components |
Philips Advanced Refractory Metals Brochure, 2007 Europe |
30-VIII-2019 |
Components |
Philips Lamp Components Brochure, 2007 China |
30-VIII-2019 |
Components |
Philips Lamp Components Brochure, 2007 Europe |
30-VIII-2019 |
Components |
Osram Lamp Glass Catalogue, 1989 Germany |
30-VIII-2019 |
Components |
OsramSylvania Lamp Glass Catalogue, 1998 USA |
30-VIII-2019 |
Components |
OsramSylvania Precision Materials & Components Brochure, 1997 USA |
30-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GTE Sylvania Phosphors & Chemicals Brochure, 198x USA |
30-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GTE Sylvania Vacuum Evaporation Sources Brochure, 197x USA |
30-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GTE Sylvania Molybdenum Wire Brochure, 1988 USA |
30-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GTE Sylvania Tungsten Wire Brochure, 1988 USA |
30-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GTE Sylvania Fused Quartz Brochure, 1990 USA |
30-VIII-2019 |
Components |
Toshiba Lamp & Technical Glass Catalogue, 1989 Japan |
30-VIII-2019 |
Components |
Toshiba Lamp & Technical Glass Catalogue, 1984 Japan |
30-VIII-2019 |
Components |
EMGO (Osram-Philips) Lamp Glass Catalogue, 2007 Belgium |
30-VIII-2019 |
Components |
Glass Bulbs Ltd. & Glass Tubes & Components Ltd. (GEC-Thorn) Glass Catalogue, 1970 UK |
30-VIII-2019 |
Components |
AEI Lamp & Lighting Lamp Glass Catalogue, 1960 UK |
29-VIII-2019 |
Components |
Osram-GEC Lamp Glass Catalogue, 1959 UK |
29-VIII-2019 |
Components |
Osram-GEC Lamp Glass Catalogue, 1950 UK |
29-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE - Westdeutsche Quarzschmelze, Quartz Glass, 199x DE |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Plastic Lamp Parts, 1980 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Electroluminescent Phosphors, 1985 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Lamp Phosphors, 1991 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Halogen Lamp Black Top, 1992 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Lacquer Coatings, 1982 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Incandescent Lamp Coatings, 1982 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Monogram Inks, 1993 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Monogram Inks, 1981 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Soldering Fluxes, 1981 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Phosphorus Pentanitrile Getters, 1981 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Lamp Getters, 1992 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Electron Emission Mixtures, 1993 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Inorganic Chemicals Datasheets, 1986 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Inorganic Chemicals, 198x USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Vacuum Metallizing Products, 1984 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, HID Lamp Electrodes, 1994 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, MolybCarb EDM Wire, 1987 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Molybdenum EDM Wire, 1981 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Molybdenum Wire, 1991 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Molybdenum Wire, 1975 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Tungsten-Rhenium Wire, 1986 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Tungsten Wire, 1995 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Tungsten Wire, 1992 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Tungsten Wire, 1983 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Sintered Tungsten & Molybdenum, 1989 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Tungsten Powder, 1996 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Tungsten Powder, 1985 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Dumet Oxide Thickness Meter, 1982 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Platinum-Clad Molybdenum Foil, 1987 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Dumet & Cumet Wire, 1991 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Dumet & Cumet Wire, 1980 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Optifeed Lead Wires, 1985 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, LWII Lead Wires, 1980 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Lead Wires, 1994 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Lead Wires, 1983 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Precision Metal Parts, 199x USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Formed Wire Parts, 1980 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, IEC Lamp Base Codes, 1994 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Fluorescent Bases, 1995 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Automotive Bases, 1995 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Miniature Bases, 1995 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Mogul Bases, 1994 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Medium Bases, 1994 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Lamp Bases, 1993 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Lamp Bases, 1982 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Tungsten Carbide, 1988 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Tungsten Carbide, 1983 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Lucalox Alumina Ceramics, 1981 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Synthetic Quartz, 1994 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Optiq-100 Quartz, 1989 USA |
28-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Quartz Products, 1993 USA |
27-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Blacklight Glass Tubing & Bulbs, 1994 USA |
27-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Aluminosilicate Glass Tubing, 1992 USA |
27-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Aluminosilicate Glass Tubing, 1979 USA |
27-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Lead Silicate Glass Tubing, 1980 USA |
27-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Borosilicate Glass Pressings, 1979 USA |
27-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Soda-lime Silicate Glass Ribbon Bulbs, 1981 USA |
27-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Glass Products, 1990 USA |
27-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Brochure, Glass Products, 1980 USA |
26-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Catalogue, 1996 USA |
26-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Catalogue, 1990 USA |
26-VIII-2019 |
Components |
GE Lamp Components Catalogue, 1980 USA |
26-VIII-2019 |
Components |
New Section Commenced concerning Lamp Components and Raw Materials |
18-VIII-2019 |
Link |
Ingenium Museum of Canada collection of electric lamps |
18-VIII-2019 |
Link |
University of Aberystwyth collection of electric lamps |
18-VIII-2019 |
Link |
London Science Museum collection of electric lamps |
17-VIII-2019 |
Factory |
GEC / Osram - Wembley updated with new photo from the early 1980s |
16-VIII-2019 |
Catalogue |
Osram GmbH, 1968-Oct Germany |
16-VIII-2019 |
Catalogue |
Osram GmbH, 1968-Jan Germany |
15-VIII-2019 |
Lamp |
Edison GE carbon filament stereoopticon projection lamp |
27-VII-2019 |
Lamp |
GE 100A21/W general service lamp with 'Q-coat' white internal silica coating |
26-VII-2019 |
People |
Biography of Robert S. Burnap |
26-VII-2019 |
Lamp |
GE Edison Mazda 500T12/P early projection lamp with first pre-focussed cap |
25-VII-2019 |
Lamp |
GE Edison Mazda 50A21/IF general service lamp with early inside frosted bulb envelope |
23-VII-2019 |
Lamp |
GE Military Airway Beacon MS-25015-2 115V 1200W |
22-VII-2019 |
Lamp |
GEC Lighthouse Lamp L/8 100V 375W |
21-VII-2019 |
Lamp |
Victory Lighting Lighthouse Lamp L/5 240V 250W |
20-VII-2019 |
Lamp |
Victory Lighting Lighthouse Lamp L/11 100V 1000W |
18-VII-2019 |
Lamp |
Philips SL*18 Prismatic Self-Ballasted Compact Fluorescent |
18-VII-2019 |
Lamp |
Philips Lighthouse Lamp 6096S 115V 3000W |
18-VII-2019 |
Lamp |
Osram-GEC Lighthouse Lamp L/9 240V 500W |
17-VII-2019 |
Lamp |
Thorn Lighthouse Lamp L/25 100V 1500W |
17-VII-2019 |
Lamp |
Siemens Lighthouse Lamp EC102 80V 4000W |
16-VII-2019 |
Lamp |
Osram-GEC Lighthouse Lamp EC111 240V 30000W |
15-VII-2019 |
Lamp |
Thorn EMI Lighthouse Lamp EC111A 240V 30000W |
15-VII-2019 |
Link |
Historic Lamp Collection of Museon, Den Haag, The Netherlands |
07-V-2019 |
Lamp |
Thorn very early Ceramic Metal Halide with single crystal sapphire arc tube |
28-IV-2019 |
Lamp |
Osram Ceramic Metal Halide Powerball HCI-T 70W/WDL non-Radioactive |
27-IV-2019 |
Lamp |
Philips Ceramic Metal Halide Mastercolour Evolution, CDM-T 70W-930 |
26-IV-2019 |
Lamp |
Philips Ceramic Metal Halide Mastercolour Elite 3rd Generation, CDM-T 100W-930 |
21-IV-2019 |
Lamp |
Philips Ceramic Metal Halide Mastercolour Elite LightBoost, CDM-T 70W-930 |
21-IV-2019 |
Lamp |
Philips Ceramic Metal Halide Mastercolour Elite 2nd Generation, CDM-TC 35W-930 |
21-IV-2019 |
Lamp |
Osram Ceramic Metal Halide Powerball Shoplight, HCI-TC 70W/930 |
20-IV-2019 |
Lamp |
Philips Ceramic Metal Halide Mastercolour Elite 1st Generation, CDM-T 70W-930 |
14-IV-2019 |
Catalogue |
Osram-GEC, 1978 Australia, provided courtesy of Andrew Pullen, Australia |
14-IV-2019 |
Catalogue |
Osram-GEC, 1966 Australia, provided courtesy of Andrew Pullen, Australia |
08-IV-2019 |
Lamp |
Sylvania Ceramic Metal Halide Metalarc with 1-piece slip-cast arc tube, CMI-T 70W/WDL |
07-IV-2019 |
Lamp |
Osram Ceramic Metal Halide Powerstar with 5-piece pressed arc tube, HCI-T 35W/WDL |
07-IV-2019 |
Lamp |
GE Ceramic Metal Halide ConstantColor 3-piece, CMH/150/T/U/830/G12 |
05-IV-2019 |
Lamp |
GE Ceramic Metal Halide ConstantColor 5-piece, CMH/70/T/U/830/G12 |
31-III-2019 |
Lamp |
Osram Ceramic Metal Halide Powerball 2-piece, HCI-T 150W/WDL |
29-III-2019 |
Lamp |
GE Fluorescent F96PG17-CW High Power PG17 Power-Groove |
10-III-2019 |
Lamp |
GE Fluorescent F90T17-CW-WM High Power T17 Watt-Miser |
23-II-2019 |
Link |
William J. Hammer Collection of Historic Lamps at the Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn MI, USA. |
13-II-2019 |
People |
Biography of Edward G. Zubler |
13-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of William D. Packard |
13-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of James W. Packard |
13-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of Norman L. Norris |
13-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of Garrett A. Morgan |
13-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of St. George Lane Fox-Pitt |
13-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of Frederick C. Kirchner |
13-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of Edwin Houston |
13-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of William J. Hammer |
13-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of Elmer W. Gillmer |
13-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of John C. Fish |
13-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of Frederick P. Fish |
13-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of Samuel E. Doane |
13-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of Edward G. Cary |
13-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of Alexander Bernstein |
06-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of Philip H. Diehl |
06-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of Edward Weston |
06-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of Frederick Schaefer |
06-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of William E. Sawyer |
06-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of Rudolf Langhans |
06-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of Achilles M. de Khotinsky |
05-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of Dr. John W. Howell |
05-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of William Hochhausen |
05-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of Alessandro Cruto |
05-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of Dr. John E. Randall |
05-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of Loris E. Mitchell |
05-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of Arthur J. White |
05-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of Isaac Adams Jr. |
04-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of Edmund Zalinski |
04-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of William P. Zabel |
04-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of Daniel K. Wright |
04-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of Dr. Archie G. Worthing |
04-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of O.E. Woodhouse |
04-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of W. Mattieu Williams |
04-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of Dr. Willis R. Whitney |
04-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of Dr. John F. Waymouth |
04-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of Baron Carl Auer-von-Welsbach |
04-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of John Waring |
04-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of Milan R. Vukcevich |
04-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of Irving H. Van Horn |
04-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of Charles Joseph VanDePoele |
04-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of Francis R. Upton |
04-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of Burton Gad Tremaine |
04-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of Richard N. Thayer |
04-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of Franklin Silas Terry |
03-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of Sir James Swinburne |
03-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of Sir Joseph W. Swan |
03-I-2019 |
People |
Biography of Alfred Swan |
31-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Royal F. Strickland |
31-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of John W. Starr |
31-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of William Stanley |
31-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Marmaduke M. M. Slattery |
31-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Henry Schroeder |
31-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Dr. Willard A. Roberts |
31-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Edwin W. Rice |
31-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Dr. Gilbert E. Reiling |
31-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Philip J. Pritchard |
31-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Franklin Leonard Pope |
30-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Marvin Pipkin |
30-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Charles G. Perkins |
29-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Charles W. Pearson |
28-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Prof. Herschel Clifford Parker |
28-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Dr. Aldar Pacz |
28-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Frederick A. Mosby |
28-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Helen J. Mikulski |
27-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Sir Hiram Maxim |
27-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Albon P. Man |
26-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Matthew Luckiesh |
26-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Alexander N. Lodygin |
26-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of James B. Lindsay |
26-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of A. Eugene Lemmers |
26-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Leroy G. Leighton |
26-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of George R. Lean |
26-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Lewis Howard Latimer |
26-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Dr. Carl E. Kenty |
26-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Jean-Baptiste Jobard |
26-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Mary S. Jaffe |
26-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of George E. Inman |
26-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Wilson S. Howell |
26-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Mary V. Hoffman |
26-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Samuel G. Hibben |
24-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of John Allen Heany |
24-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Dr. Ward Harrison |
24-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Ed Hammer |
24-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of John H. Guest |
24-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of William R. Grove |
24-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Alfred Greiner |
24-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Arthur Graves |
23-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Ichisuke Fujioka |
23-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Elmer G. Fridrich |
23-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Theodore W. Frech |
23-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Dr. William E. Forsythe |
23-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Dr. Gorton R. Fonda |
23-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Dr. Colin Fink |
23-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Dr. Otto Feuerlein |
22-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Prof. Moses G. Farmer |
22-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Dr. William L. Enfield |
16-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Dr. Willem Elenbaas |
16-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Adelaide Easley |
16-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of John W Draper |
09-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Sir William Crookes |
09-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of T.C. Crawford |
09-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Jeanette Cooper |
09-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Prof. Robert L. Coble |
09-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of W.G. Clark |
09-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of John Children |
09-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Edgar Bernard |
08-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of C.F. de Changy |
08-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of Prof. Adolphe Chaillet |
09-XII-2018 |
People |
Biography of F.M.F. Cazin |
02-XII-2018 |
Link |
Colin Grimes |
02-XII-2018 |
Link |
Joe Maurath Jr. |
02-XII-2018 |
Link |
Matthew Eagles |
02-XII-2018 |
Link |
Monico González |
02-XII-2018 |
Link |
Blake Carlin |
02-XII-2018 |
Link |
Claire Pendrous |
02-XII-2018 |
Link |
Giorgio Basile |
02-XII-2018 |
Link |
Jürgen Meier |
02-XII-2018 |
Link |
Karel Frühauf |
02-XII-2018 |
Link |
Magslicht |
02-XII-2018 |
Link |
Marcel van der Kolk |
02-XII-2018 |
Link |
Mark Klimek |
02-XII-2018 |
Link |
Teslabol Gasontladingslampen |
02-XII-2018 |
Link |
Eclairage Public |
02-XII-2018 |
Link |
Stefan's Forum |
02-XII-2018 |
Link |
Redirected expired links to archive page: Andrew Stanley, |
02-XII-2018 |
Link |
Redirected expired links to archive page: Bob Cookson |
02-XII-2018 |
Link |
Redirected expired links to archive page: Chris Millinship |
02-XII-2018 |
Link |
Redirected expired links to archive page: Dave Desantis |
02-XII-2018 |
Link |
Redirected expired links to archive page: Ed Covington |
02-XII-2018 |
Link |
Redirected expired links to archive page: Edisonian |
02-XII-2018 |
Link |
Redirected expired links to archive page: Frank Andrews |
02-XII-2018 |
Link |
Redirected expired links to archive page: Max Gendre |
02-XII-2018 |
Link |
Redirected expired links to archive page: Osram Wembley |
02-XII-2018 |
Link |
Redirected expired links to archive page: Philips Eindhoven |
02-XII-2018 |
Link |
Redirected expired links to archive page: Stanislav Slabyhoudek |
25-XI-2018 |
Date Code |
New document added with overview of Philips date codes from 1917-Present |
18-XI-2018 |
People |
Biography of H.M. Byllesby |
18-XI-2018 |
People |
Biography of W.C. Bryant |
18-XI-2018 |
People |
Biography of Dr. Charles Brush |
18-XI-2018 |
People |
Biography of Marjorie Brines |
18-XI-2018 |
People |
Biography of Mary Bradford |
18-XI-2018 |
People |
Biography of Ludwig Boehm |
18-XI-2018 |
People |
Biography of Dr. Katherine Blodgett |
18-XI-2018 |
People |
Biography of Harold D. Blake |
18-XI-2018 |
People |
Biography of Adolph Berrenberg |
17-XI-2018 |
People |
Biography of Dr. Sigmund Bergmann |
17-XI-2018 |
People |
Biography of Bernie Lee Benbow |
17-XI-2018 |
People |
Biography of F.B. Bain |
17-XI-2018 |
People |
Biography of E.J. Bagnall |
17-XI-2018 |
People |
Biography of Mary Andrews |
17-XI-2018 |
People |
Biography of Dr. John M. Anderson |
17-XI-2018 |
People |
Biography of John O. Aicher |
17-XI-2018 |
People |
Biography of Dr. Elliot Quincy Adams |
17-XI-2018 |
Section |
New section commenced concerning biographies of Persons Involved in the Lamp Industry |
04-XI-2018 |
Lamp |
Pope Sintered Tungsten Miniature Lamp, 4V 8CP |
03-XI-2018 |
Lamp |
National Mazda Daylight Blue 200W PS30 of 1919 |
31-X-2018 |
Journal |
GE Light Magazine 1965 No.2, 1965 No.3, 1966 No.2, 1966 No.4, 1967 No.3, 1968 No.1, 1969 No.1+2 |
29-X-2018 |
Journal |
GE Magazine of Light 1944 No.6, 1945 No.2, 1946 No.5, 1947 No.1, 1948 No.3, 1948 No.4 |
13-X-2018 |
Company |
Radium History Book : 100 Years Lampenwerk Wipperfürth - Radium - 2004 DE |
13-X-2018 |
Company |
Osram History Book : 100 Years Osram - Osram - 2006 DE |
13-X-2018 |
Company |
Thorn History Book : Electric Lamps 100 Years On - Cyril Phillips, Thorn Lighting - 1979 UK |
13-X-2018 |
Company |
New section on company histories |
05-X-2018 |
Lamp |
GE-Mazda Incandescent Silver Bowl 100W A21 |
05-X-2018 |
Lamp |
GE-Mazda Incandescent White Bowl 200W PS30 |
08-IX-2018 |
Lamp |
Westinghouse Ceramalux C70S62/PAR Dichroic reflector high pressure sodium for coal mine illumination |
03-IX-2018 |
Lamp |
French Osram Sintered Tungsten Filament 125V 25B of 1909-11 |
01-IX-2018 |
Lamp |
Royal Ediswan Sintered Tungsten Filament 105V 17W of 1911 |
31-VIII-2018 |
Lamp |
Osram-GEC Sintered Tungsten Filament 50V 25HCP of 1908 |
30-VIII-2018 |
Lamp |
Columbia National Mazda Drawn Tungsten Filament 108V 40W of 1912 |
25-VIII-2018 |
Date Code |
Updated documents relating to date marking of old Philips lamps |
25-VIII-2018 |
Catalogue |
Philips Catalogue, 1989 UK |
15-VII-2018 |
Lamp |
Auer-Osram Sintered Tungsten Filament 225V 50HCP of c. 1908-1910 |
15-VII-2018 |
Lamp |
Osram-GEC Sintered Tungsten Filament 100V 25HCP of c. 1910 |
14-VII-2018 |
Lamp |
Graetzin Sintered Tungsten Filament of c. 1908 |
14-VII-2018 |
Lamp |
Sylvania halogen infrared PAR30 with gold reflector |
07-VII-2018 |
Lamp |
Meda HML250-PR high pressure mercury with side reflector bulb |
01-VII-2018 |
Lamp |
Osram HQL 50W high pressure mercury with half-coated outer bulb |
01-VII-2018 |
Datasheet |
Osram-GEC Technical Manual Low Pressure Sodium Lamps, 1969 UK |
01-VII-2018 |
Datasheet |
Osram-GEC Technical Manual High Pressure Sodium Lamps, 1976 UK |
01-VII-2018 |
Datasheet |
Osram-GEC Technical Manual High Pressure Mercury & Metal Halide Lamps, 1977 UK |
01-VII-2018 |
Datasheet |
Osram-GEC Datasheet Mercury Black Magic MBTW 175W, 1971 UK |
01-VII-2018 |
Datasheet |
Osram-GEC Datasheet Sodium Solarcolour 120W, 1982 UK |
01-VII-2018 |
Brochure |
Osram-GEC 1960s/70/80s Brochures for GLS, Candle, CFL Opus, Mercury Lamps (MB, MBF, MBFR, MBT, MBW, MBI), Sodium Lamps (SO, SOI, SOX, SLI, SON), Studio, Theatre and Airfield Lamps |
01-VII-2018 |
Brochure |
Osram 1960s/70s Brochures for Miniature Incandescent, Signal & Indicator, Telephone Signal and Neon Glow Lamps |
30-VI-2018 |
Brochure |
Osram 1960s/70s Brochures for Automotive, Tram, Marine, Aircraft and Festive Decoration Lamps |
30-VI-2018 |
Brochure |
Osram 1960s/70s Brochures for Infrared Siccatherm, Infrared Halogen, Projection, Photographic, Studio, Scientific, and Current Stabiliser Lamps |
16-VI-2018 |
Brochure |
Osram 1960s/70s Brochures for UV Ultra-Vitalux, UV Blacklight, UV Germicidal, Mercury HBO, Metal Halide HMI, Metal Halide HCI, Xenon XBO, Xenon XQO, Xenon XBF, Xenon XIE and Spectal Lamps |
13-VI-2018 |
Datasheet |
Osram 1960s/70s Brochures for Incandescent, Carbon, Fluorescent & Discharge Lamps |
12-VI-2018 |
Lamp |
Osram NaT 200W-3, very high output German linear low pressure sodium lamp |
13-V-2018 |
Lamp |
Osram XBO 1001, first commercial Xenon short arc lamp of 1954 |
12-V-2018 |
Lamp |
Thorn PAR64 1000W Quartz Halogen studio lamp CP60 EXC |
04-III-2018 |
Journal |
Various Thorn Lighting Newsletters added, 1987-1990 |
21-II-2018 |
Catalogue |
GE-Thorn Price List, 1992 UK |
21-II-2018 |
Catalogue |
GE-Thorn Consumer Price List, 1991 UK |
17-II-2018 |
Brochure |
Ediswan Brochure Automotive Halogen Lamps, 1972 UK |
17-II-2018 |
Brochure |
Thorn Brochure Photographic Lamps, 198X UK |
17-II-2018 |
Brochure |
Thorn Brochure Photographic Lamps, 1979 UK |
17-II-2018 |
Brochure |
Thorn Brochure Micrographic Lamps, 1979 UK |
17-II-2018 |
Brochure |
Atlas Brochure Photographic Lamps, 1972 UK |
17-II-2018 |
Catalogue |
GE-Thorn Lamp Catalogue, 1991 UK |
03-II-2018 |
Datasheet |
Siemens Ediswan Data Sheet for Pointolite Tungsten Arc Lamps, 194x UK |
03-II-2018 |
Datasheet |
Siemens Bros. Data Sheet for Miniature Mercury Lamps M1 & M2, 194x UK |
03-II-2018 |
Datasheet |
AEI-Mazda 1960s Data Sheets for Special Lamps (Infrared, Projector Class A1, Microprojector Class F, Exciter Class G, Pointolite Lamps) |
03-II-2018 |
Datasheet |
AEI-Mazda 1960s Data Sheets for Metal Halide Lamps (MBI 400W, CSI 400W) |
03-II-2018 |
Datasheet |
AEI-Mazda 1950s/60s Data Sheets for Mercury Lamps (MA, MAT, MB, MBF, MBFR, MBTL, MBTF, MBW, M1&M2, MCF, MCF Ballasts, ME 185W, ME 250W) |
03-II-2018 |
Datasheet |
AEI-Mazda 1950s/60s Data Sheets for Sodium Lamps (SO, SOX, SLI/H 60W, SLI/H 140W, SLI/H 200W) |
14-I-2018 |
Brochure |
Thorn Brochure Photo, Stage & Studio Lamps, 1990 UK |
14-I-2018 |
Brochure |
Thorn Brochure Photo, Stage & Studio Lamps, 1989 UK |
14-I-2018 |
Brochure |
Thorn Brochure Photo, Stage & Studio Lamps, 1980 UK |
12-I-2018 |
Catalogue |
Philips Lamp Catalogue 1970 International Edition |
12-I-2018 |
Catalogue |
Philips Lamp Catalogue 1965 International Edition |
16-XII-2017 |
Brochure |
Thorn-Mazda Brochure Hytek Lamps, 1971 UK |
16-XII-2017 |
Brochure |
Thorn-Mazda Brochure Automotive & Miniature Lamps, 1970 UK |
16-XII-2017 |
Brochure |
Thorn-Mazda Brochure Incandescent Lamps, 1974 UK |
16-XII-2017 |
Brochure |
AEI-Mazda Brochure Linear Sodium SLI/H 140W, 1969 UK |
16-XII-2017 |
Brochure |
AEI-Mazda Brochure Xenon Lamps, 1960 UK |
16-XII-2017 |
Brochure |
BTH-Mazda Brochure Xenon Lamps, 1959 UK |
08-XII-2017 |
Brochure |
GE-Thorn Brochure Lighstream Guarantee, 1991 UK |
08-XII-2017 |
Brochure |
GE-Thorn Brochure Photo, Stage & Studio Lamps, 1991 UK |
08-XII-2017 |
Brochure |
GE-Thorn Brochure Arcstream, 1991 UK |
08-XII-2017 |
Brochure |
GE-Thorn Brochure Arcstream, 1990 UK |
08-XII-2017 |
Brochure |
GE-Thorn Brochure Fluorescent Compact 2L & 4L, 1991 UK |
08-XII-2017 |
Brochure |
GE-Thorn Brochure Fluorescent Compact 2D, 1991 UK |
08-XII-2017 |
Brochure |
GE-Thorn Brochure Fluorescent Polylux, 1992 UK |
08-XII-2017 |
Brochure |
GE-Thorn Brochure Halogen HaloGEM, 1991 UK |
08-XII-2017 |
Brochure |
GE-Thorn Brochure Halogen Twist & Lock, 1991 UK |
08-XII-2017 |
Brochure |
GE-Thorn Brochure Halogen Lightstream, 1991 UK |
08-XII-2017 |
Brochure |
GE-Thorn Brochure Halogen Lamps, 1991 UK |
08-XII-2017 |
Brochure |
Thorn Brochure SONXL, 1990 UK |
08-XII-2017 |
Brochure |
Thorn Brochure SONDL, 1990 UK |
08-XII-2017 |
Brochure |
Thorn Brochure SON, 1990 UK |
08-XII-2017 |
Brochure |
Thorn Brochure Airfield Lamps, 1990 UK |
08-XII-2017 |
Brochure |
Thorn Brochure Xenon Lamps, 1986 UK |
08-XII-2017 |
Brochure |
Thorn Brochure Industrial Lamps, 1986 UK |
08-XII-2017 |
Brochure |
Thorn Brochure SONDL, 1982 UK |
08-XII-2017 |
Brochure |
Thorn Brochure SON, 1982 UK |
03-XII-2017 |
Brochure |
Thorn Brochure Halogen Lamps, 1976 UK |
03-XII-2017 |
Brochure |
Thorn Brochure Halogen Lamps, 1976 UK |
03-XII-2017 |
Brochure |
Thorn Brochure Halogen Lamps, 1990 UK |
03-XII-2017 |
Brochure |
Thorn Brochure Lightstream Lamps, 1988 UK |
03-XII-2017 |
Brochure |
Thorn Brochure Lightstream Lamps, 1990 UK |
03-XII-2017 |
Brochure |
Thorn Brochure Fluorescent Gro-Lux, 1972 UK |
03-XII-2017 |
Brochure |
Thorn Brochure Compact Fluorescent 2D & 2L, 1988 UK |
03-XII-2017 |
Brochure |
Thorn Brochure Compact Fluorescent 2D, 1990 UK |
03-XII-2017 |
Brochure |
Atlas Brochure Discharge Lamps, 1972 UK |
03-XII-2017 |
Brochure |
Thorn Brochure Discharge Lamps, 1979 UK |
03-XII-2017 |
Brochure |
Thorn Brochure Discharge Lamps, 1980 UK |
03-XII-2017 |
Brochure |
Thorn Brochure Discharge Lamps, 1989 UK |
27-XII-2017 |
Brochure |
Ediswan Brochure for Fullolite and Daylight incandescent lamps, 1921 |
27-XI-2017 |
Datasheet |
Thorn Data Sheet for Compact Fluorescent 2D 28W & 38W |
27-XI-2017 |
Datasheet |
Thorn Data Sheets for Sodium Lamps (SOX, SOX-E, SON-E, SON-E 50W, SON-T, SONS-T, SONXL-T, SON-R) |
27-XI-2017 |
Datasheet |
Thorn Data Sheets for Metal Halide Lamps (MBI, MBIF, MBIT Arcstream, MBIL, MBIL Photoprinting) |
27-XI-2017 |
Datasheet |
Thorn Data Sheets for Mercury Lamps (MBF, MBF Deluxe, MBF Super Deluxe, MB Photoprinting) |
27-XI-2017 |
Datasheet |
Thorn Data Sheets for Xenon Lamps (XB 1000W & 1500W, XE 700W, 1000W, 1600W, 2000W, 3000W) |
27-XI-2017 |
Datasheet |
Thorn Data Sheets for CSI Lamps (400W, 1000W, 1000W HR, 1000W PAR-64, 1000W PAR-64 HR) |
26-XI-2017 |
Datasheet |
Thorn Data Sheets for CID Lamps (200W, 500W, 500W PAR-46, 575W PAR-46, 1000W, 1000W PAR-64, 1000W PAR-64 HR, 2500W and 2500W side contact) |
27-XI-2017 |
Datasheet |
GEC Datasheet for Barretters |
26-XI-2017 |
Catalogue |
Sylvania Lamp Catalogue 1973 USA |
26-XI-2017 |
Catalogue |
Sylvania Lamp Catalogue 1976 USA |
26-XI-2017 |
Catalogue |
Sylvania Lamp Catalogue 1977 USA |
26-XI-2017 |
Catalogue |
Sylvania Lamp Catalogue 1980 USA |
26-XI-2017 |
Catalogue |
Sylvania Lamp Catalogue 1982 USA |
26-XI-2017 |
Catalogue |
Sylvania Lamp Catalogue 1984 USA |
26-XI-2017 |
Catalogue |
Sylvania Lamp Catalogue 1986 USA |
26-XI-2017 |
Catalogue |
Sylvania Lamp Catalogue 1988 USA |
26-XI-2017 |
Catalogue |
Sylvania Lamp Catalogue 1992 USA |
26-XI-2017 |
Catalogue |
Sylvania Lamp Catalogue 2003 EU |
26-XI-2017 |
Catalogue |
Sylvania Lamp Catalogue 2013 EU |
26-XI-2017 |
Catalogue |
Sylvania Lamp Catalogue 2016 EU |
26-XI-2017 |
Catalogue |
Sylvania Photo-Optic Lamp Catalogue 2004 EU |
26-XI-2017 |
Catalogue |
Osram Lamp Catalogue 1986 USA |
26-XI-2017 |
Catalogue |
Osram Lamp Catalogue 1992 USA |
26-XI-2017 |
Catalogue |
General Electric Lamp Catalogue 2016 EU |
24-XI-2017 |
Catalogue |
Brush-Swan Lamp Catalogue 1883 USA |
09-XI-2017 |
Date Code |
New document added detailing German Osram date code markings prior to 1953 |
20-VIII-2017 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - USA - General Electric - Harrison Edison Lamp Works |
14-VIII-2017 |
Lamp |
GE Lucalox early low power high pressure sodium prototype, possibly 125W |
09-VII-2017 |
Lamp |
Sylvania Fluorescent 15W T12-18" with Bakelite end caps |
09-VII-2017 |
Lamp |
Westinghouse-Mazda Fluorescent 15W T8-18" with Zinc Beryllium Silicate White Phosphor |
06-VII-2017 |
Lamp |
Sylvania Halogen Mains Voltage Capsylite Midbreak MB-19 with Diode updated |
02-VII-2017 |
Lamp |
GE Lucalox ~500W early prototype with deep niobium cup seals and unusual electrical rating |
25-VI-2017 |
Lamp |
GE-Mazda Coloured Fluorescent 15W T8-18" Red |
25-VI-2017 |
Lamp |
GE-Mazda Coloured Fluorescent 15W T8-18" Blue |
25-VI-2017 |
Lamp |
GE-Mazda Fluorescent 14W T12-15" with Zinc Beryllium Silicate White Phosphor |
17-VI-2017 |
Lamp |
Ediswan Beautalite/Linolite Linear Incandescent Tungsten Filament |
16-VI-2017 |
Lamp |
Ediswan Tubolite/Linolite Linear Incandescent Carbon Filament |
11-VI-2017 |
Lamp |
GE-Mazda Miniature Fluorescent 4W Blue with oval glass tube |
11-VI-2017 |
Lamp |
GE Lumiline Linear Incandescent 60W Clear 18" |
27-V-2017 |
Lamp |
Westinghouse Metal Halide MH400/BU/4 Sodium-Scandium with glass sleeved support frame |
21-V-2017 |
Lamp |
GE Metal Halide PulseArc MVR350/VBU/PA |
20-V-2017 |
Lamp |
Sylvania Super Metalarc MS400/HOR Sodium-Scandium with curved arc tube |
14-V-2017 |
Lamp |
Sylvania Metalarc M400/C Sodium-Scandium with Fluorescent Bulb & Peroxide Getter |
12-V-2017 |
Lamp |
Sylvania Metalarc M400 Sodium-Thorium-Scandium with flat mount frame updated |
01-V-2017 |
Lamp |
Thorn Metal Halide Kolorarc MBI/BD 400W |
30-IV-2017 |
Lamp |
GE Lucalox LU1000/BD with unusual auxiliary electrode |
29-IV-2017 |
Lamp |
Compagnie des Lampes Mazda Metal Halide MAIH-2000B 380V updated |
23-IV-2017 |
Lamp |
Compagnie des Lampes Mazda Metal Halide MAIH-1000TP 220V |
22-IV-2017 |
Lamp |
Claude Metal Halide MI-1000W 380V |
16-IV-2017 |
Lamp |
Philips Fluorescent Blacklight TL 20W/08 |
15-IV-2017 |
Lamp |
BTH-Mazda Medium Pressure Mercury MA/H 1000W |
26-III-2017 |
Lamp |
Sylvania High Pressure Sodium SPX EcoArc 69/108W Unsaturated Mercury Retrofit |
25-III-2017 |
Lamp |
Atlas SON-T 250W of first generation with Stellox arc tube - updated with X-Rays of seals |
25-III-2017 |
Lamp |
GE Lucalox LU100/BD with Flux-Polished arc tube - updated with X-Rays of seals |
24-III-2017 |
Catalogue |
Philips Lamp Catalogue 1988 UK |
23-III-2017 |
Catalogue |
Philips Lamp Catalogue 1986 UK |
22-III-2017 |
Catalogue |
Philips Lamp Catalogue 1985 UK |
21-III-2017 |
Catalogue |
Philips Lamp Catalogue 1982 UK |
10-III-2017 |
Catalogue |
Philips Lamp Catalogue 1980 UK |
09-III-2017 |
Catalogue |
Philips Lamp Catalogue 1979 UK |
08-III-2017 |
Catalogue |
GEC-Osram Lamp Catalogue c.1987 Australia |
08-III-2017 |
Catalogue |
Osram Lamp Catalogue 1990 USA |
08-III-2017 |
Catalogue |
Wotan Lamp Catalogue 1988 UK |
08-III-2017 |
Catalogue |
Osram Lamp Catalogue 1985 Germany |
08-III-2017 |
Catalogue |
Osram Lamp Catalogue 1984 Germany |
02-III-2017 |
Catalogue |
Osram Lamp Catalogue 1965 Germany |
02-III-2017 |
Catalogue |
Osram Lamp Catalogue 1962 Germany |
02-III-2017 |
Catalogue |
Osram Lamp Catalogue 1960 Germany |
02-III-2017 |
Catalogue |
Osram Lamp Catalogue 1958 Germany |
01-III-2017 |
Catalogue |
Compagnie des Lampes Catalogue 1982 France |
28-II-2017 |
Catalogue |
Philips Lamp Catalogue ~1964 Australia |
28-II-2017 |
Catalogue |
Philips Lamp Catalogue ~1959 Australia |
22-II-2017 |
Catalogue |
Philips Lamp Catalogue 1965 UK |
22-II-2017 |
Catalogue |
Philips Lamp Catalogue 1964 UK |
16-II-2017 |
Catalogue |
Thorn Lighting Comprehensive Catalogue 1979 UK |
16-II-2017 |
Catalogue |
Philips Lamp Catalogue 1955 International Edition |
15-I-2017 |
Catalogue |
Philips Lamp Catalogue 1940 Germany |
15-I-2017 |
Catalogue |
Philips Lamp Catalogue 1937 France |
15-I-2017 |
Catalogue |
Philips Lamp Catalogue 1934 Germany |
15-I-2017 |
Catalogue |
Philips Lamp Catalogue 1933 UK |
13-I-2017 |
Catalogue |
Compagnie des Lampes Catalogue 1922 France |
09-I-2017 |
Catalogue |
Compagnie des Lampes Catalogue 1954 France |
09-I-2017 |
Catalogue |
Compagnie des Lampes Catalogue 1955 France |
09-I-2017 |
Catalogue |
Compagnie des Lampes Catalogue 1961 France |
08-II-2017 |
Catalogue |
Osram-GEC Photographic Lamp Catalogue 1938 UK |
08-II-2017 |
Catalogue |
Osram-GEC Photographic Lamp Catalogue 1937 UK |
08-II-2017 |
Catalogue |
Siemens Projector Lamp Catalogue 1952 UK |
08-II-2017 |
Catalogue |
BTH-Mazda Lamp Catalogue 1950 UK |
05-II-2017 |
Date Code |
New category concerning lamp date code markings |
04-II-2017 |
Catalogue |
Metrovick Lamp Catalogue 1954 UK |
04-II-2017 |
Catalogue |
Metrovick Lamp Catalogue 1947 UK |
04-II-2017 |
Catalogue |
Metrovick Lamp Catalogue 1928 UK |
04-II-2017 |
Catalogue |
Metrovick Lamp Catalogue 1922 UK |
04-II-2017 |
Catalogue |
Siemens Lamp Catalogue 1953 UK |
04-II-2017 |
Catalogue |
Siemens Lamp Catalogue 1945 UK |
04-II-2017 |
Catalogue |
Siemens Lamp Catalogue 194X UK |
04-II-2017 |
Catalogue |
Siemens Lamp Catalogue 1912 UK |
04-II-2017 |
Catalogue |
AEI-Mazda Automotive Lamp Catalogue 1964 UK |
30-I-2017 |
Catalogue |
EKCO Lamp Catalogue 1941 UK |
30-I-2017 |
Catalogue |
EKCO Lamp Catalogue 1950 UK |
30-I-2017 |
Catalogue |
EKCO Lamp Catalogue 1951 UK |
30-I-2017 |
Catalogue |
EKCO Lamp Catalogue 1956 UK |
30-I-2017 |
Catalogue |
EKCO Lamp Catalogue 1966 UK |
30-I-2017 |
Catalogue |
Atlas Lamp Catalogue 1949 UK |
27-I-2017 |
Catalogue |
Osram-GEC Lamp Catalogue 1938 UK |
27-I-2017 |
Catalogue |
Osram-GEC Lamp Catalogue 1952 Australia |
27-I-2017 |
Catalogue |
Osram-GEC Lamp Catalogue 1954 UK Photographic & Projection |
27-I-2017 |
Catalogue |
Osram-GEC Lamp Catalogue 1956 UK |
27-I-2017 |
Catalogue |
Osram-GEC Lamp Catalogue 1958 Australia |
27-I-2017 |
Catalogue |
Osram-GEC Lamp Catalogue 1960 UK |
27-I-2017 |
Catalogue |
Osram-GEC Lamp Catalogue 1962 Australia |
27-I-2017 |
Catalogue |
Osram-GEC Lamp Catalogue 1969 Australia |
27-I-2017 |
Catalogue |
Osram-GEC Lamp Catalogue 1980 UK |
26-I-2017 |
Catalogue |
Osram-GEC Lamp Catalogue 1985 UK |
26-I-2017 |
Catalogue |
Osram-GEC Lamp Catalogue 1988 UK |
23-I-2017 |
Catalogue |
AEI-Mazda Lamp Catalogue 1963 UK |
23-I-2017 |
Catalogue |
AEI-Mazda Projection Lamp Catalogue 1962-63 UK |
20-I-2017 |
Catalogue |
Thorn Lighting Comprehensive Catalogue 1969/70 Updated |
18-I-2017 |
Catalogue |
Thorn Lighting Comprehensive Catalogue 1987/88 |
17-I-2017 |
Catalogue |
Thorn Lighting Comprehensive Catalogue 1970/71 |
12-I-2017 |
Catalogue |
Thorn Lighting Comprehensive Catalogue 1971/72 |
12-I-2017 |
Catalogue |
Thorn Lighting Comprehensive Catalogue 1972/73 |
11-I-2017 |
Catalogue |
Thorn Lighting Comprehensive Catalogue 1973/74 |
09-I-2017 |
Catalogue |
Thorn Lighting Comprehensive Catalogue 1984/85 |
08-I-2017 |
Lamp |
GE-Thorn High Pressure Sodium SON-TD 1000W Linear Quartz Gasfilled |
06-I-2017 |
Catalogue |
Thorn Lighting Comprehensive Catalogue 1983 |
06-I-2017 |
Catalogue |
Thorn Lighting Comprehensive Catalogue 1980 |
06-I-2017 |
Catalogue |
Thorn Lighting Comprehensive Catalogue 1977 |
19-XII-2016 |
Lamp |
GE High Pressure Sodium Lucalox LU1000 S52 with Voltage Fuse |
19-XII-2016 |
Lamp |
Thorn High Pressure Sodium SON-T 400W Corstar single crystal sapphire arc tube |
04-XII-2016 |
Lamp |
Thorn High Pressure Sodium SON-TD 250W Linear Quartz Gasfilled |
27-XI-2016 |
Lamp |
Thorn High Pressure Sodium SON-R 70W with compact reflector bulb |
27-XI-2016 |
Lamp |
Thorn High Pressure Sodium SON-T 1000W with narrow bore niobium seals |
27-XI-2016 |
Lamp |
GE-Thorn High Pressure Sodium SONXL-T 70W with Cermet seals & high xenon pressure |
26-XI-2016 |
Lamp |
Thorn High Pressure Sodium SON-T 400W with experimental Cermet arc tube seal |
26-XI-2016 |
Lamp |
Thorn High Pressure Sodium SONDL-T 400W Deluxe Colour |
25-XI-2016 |
Lamp |
Thorn High Pressure Sodium SON-T 50W Tubular Clear low wattage |
24-XI-2016 |
Lamp |
Thorn High Pressure Sodium SON-E 70W First European 70W HPS lamp of 1976 |
20-XI-2016 |
Lamp |
Thorn High Pressure Sodium SON-E 50W HPS lamp with pearl glass diffuse outer envelope |
20-XI-2016 |
Lamp |
Philips High Pressure Sodium SON-I/CL 70W with internal glowbottle starter |
19-XI-2016 |
Lamp |
Atlas High Pressure Sodium KolorSON SON-E 400W with brazed seals and diffuse bulb |
13-XI-2016 |
Lamp |
GE High Pressure Sodium Lucalox LU70/BU - first 70W HPS lamp, with Moly Heat Pipe |
04-XII-2016 |
Catalogue |
Edison Lamp Works of General Electric USA Catalogue 1916 |
04-XII-2016 |
Catalogue |
General Electric European Catalogue 2016 |
04-XII-2016 |
Catalogue |
General Electric USA Catalogue 2008 |
04-XII-2016 |
Catalogue |
General Electric USA Catalogue 2006 |
04-XII-2016 |
Catalogue |
General Electric USA Catalogue 1999 |
03-XII-2016 |
Catalogue |
General Electric USA Catalogue 1996 |
03-XII-2016 |
Catalogue |
General Electric USA Catalogue 1993 |
03-XII-2016 |
Catalogue |
General Electric USA Catalogue 1991 |
03-XII-2016 |
Catalogue |
General Electric USA Catalogue 1990 |
30-X-2016 |
Lamp |
GE High Pressure Sodium Lucalox Diffuse LU50/90/D/27 |
28-X-2016 |
Catalogue |
General Electric USA Catalogue 1989 |
28-X-2016 |
Catalogue |
General Electric USA Catalogue 1988 |
28-X-2016 |
Catalogue |
General Electric USA Catalogue 1986 |
28-X-2016 |
Catalogue |
General Electric USA Catalogue 1973 |
28-X-2016 |
Catalogue |
General Electric USA Catalogue 1972 |
18-X-2016 |
Lamp |
GE High Pressure Sodium Lucalox Deluxe LU400/DX/40 |
17-X-2016 |
Lamp |
GE High Pressure Sodium Lucalox XO LU70/90/XO/T12/27 with Monolithic Arc Tube |
16-X-2016 |
Lamp |
GE High Pressure Sodium Lucalox LU70/90/D/I/27 with Internal Electronic Starter |
16-X-2016 |
Lamp |
GE High Pressure Sodium Lucalox LU400/BD with External Amalgam Reservoir |
15-X-2016 |
Lamp |
GE High Pressure Sodium Lucalox LU150/55 of Mexican Design |
14-X-2016 |
Lamp |
GE High Pressure Sodium Lucalox LU250 with Butterfly Crimp Amalgam Reservoir |
10-X-2016 |
Lamp |
GE High Pressure Sodium Lucalox LU100/BD with Flux-Polished arc tube |
09-X-2016 |
Lamp |
GE High Pressure Sodium White Lucalox LU95/SP28/PG12 |
08-X-2016 |
Catalogue |
General Electric USA Catalogue 1987 |
08-X-2016 |
Catalogue |
General Electric USA Catalogue 1985 |
08-X-2016 |
Catalogue |
General Electric USA Catalogue 1984 |
08-X-2016 |
Catalogue |
General Electric USA Catalogue 1982 |
08-X-2016 |
Catalogue |
General Electric USA Catalogue 1980 |
08-X-2016 |
Catalogue |
General Electric USA Catalogue 1979 |
08-X-2016 |
Catalogue |
General Electric USA Catalogue 1977 |
08-X-2016 |
Catalogue |
General Electric USA Catalogue 1975 |
08-X-2016 |
Catalogue |
General Electric USA Catalogue 1954 |
08-X-2016 |
Catalogue |
General Electric USA Catalogue 1953 |
08-X-2016 |
Lamp |
GE High Pressure Sodium Lucalox E-Z Lux LUH 215W Mercury Retrofit |
06-X-2016 |
Lamp |
GE High Pressure Sodium Lucalox LU250/BD/S Superior Performance model |
28-IX-2016 |
Lamp |
GE High Pressure Sodium Lucalox LU70/90/T10/27 with compact T10 outer bulb |
24-IX-2016 |
Lamp |
GE High Pressure Sodium Lucalox LU50/A with A-shape outer bulb and niobium wire seals |
29-VIII-2016 |
Lamp |
Philips High Pressure Sodium SON-E 400W of 1971 |
29-VIII-2016 |
Lamp |
Philips High Pressure Sodium SON-T 400W of 1971 |
27-VIII-2016 |
Lamp |
Tesla High Pressure Sodium SHC 400W with Niobium Cup seals, circa 1967 |
20-VIII-2016 |
Lamp |
Osram Metal Halide of 5th generation, HQIT 400W/D |
18-VIII-2016 |
Lamp |
GE Heliax Self-Ballasted Compact Fluorescent FLE42HLX-VT-827 |
24-VII-2016 |
Lamp |
National/Panasonic FHD40EL Circline twin-tube fluorescent |
23-VII-2016 |
Lamp |
Toshiba FCL30ELC-28PDLN PRIDE Circline fluorescent with side reflector coating |
23-VII-2016 |
Lamp |
Philips TLE 32W Coloured Circline fluorescent lamp - Pink |
23-VII-2016 |
Lamp |
Philips TLE 32W Coloured Circline fluorescent lamp - Yellow |
22-VII-2016 |
Lamp |
Sylvania FC12T10-WW Fluorescent lamp of Circular shape |
19-VII-2016 |
Lamp |
Philips HPI-Plus 250W/BU with Daylight Phosphor |
14-VII-2016 |
Lamp |
Thorn 40W T8 Metric U-Tube |
10-VII-2016 |
Lamp |
General Electric FC16T10-CW Fluorescent lamp of Circular shape |
10-VII-2016 |
Lamp |
Osram HNW72 16W Fluorescent lamp of U-shape |
09-VII-2016 |
Lamp |
Philips TL-EM 40W Fluorescent lamp of Circular shape |
09-VII-2016 |
Lamp |
Philips TL-U 20W Fluorescent lamp of U-shape |
09-VII-2016 |
Lamp |
Philips TL-W 25W Fluorescent lamp of W-shape |
07-VII-2016 |
Lamp |
Philips HPI-T Plus 400W for vertical operation |
27-VI-2016 |
Lamp |
Philips HPI-T 400W 5th generation |
25-VI-2016 |
Lamp |
Philips HPI/T 400W 4th generation |
15-VI-2016 |
Lamp |
Philips HPI/T 400W 3rd generation |
16-V-2016 |
Lamp |
Philips HPI/T 375W 2nd generation |
16-V-2016 |
Lamp |
Osram Metal Halide of 4th generation, HQIT 400W/DV |
16-V-2016 |
Lamp |
Osram Metal Halide of 3rd generation, HQIT 400W/DH |
16-V-2016 |
Lamp |
Osram Metal Halide of 2nd generation, HQIT 400W-71 |
10-V-2016 |
Lamp |
Philips Tungsten-Neon Incandescent Arc, type 408E |
05-V-2016 |
Lamp |
COBR-Polam Metal Halide LRJ 400W Dysprosium-Thallium-Indium |
05-V-2016 |
Lamp |
COBR-Polam High Pressure Sodium WLS 400W Double Ended |
05-V-2016 |
Lamp |
Osram-GEC Toplite MBFR/U 125W Mercury Reflector |
01-V-2016 |
Lamp |
PZGRL Ukranian High Pressure Sodium, DNaT400-4 |
30-IV-2016 |
Lamp |
Svetotekhnika Russian Metal Halide, DRI175 warm white |
29-IV-2016 |
Lamp |
GEC MBI\H Metal Halide 2000W White |
09-IV-2016 |
Lamp |
Philips Incandescent Crown Mirror Miniature 30W |
05-III-2016 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - USA - General Electric - Des Plaines Lamp Works |
05-III-2016 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - USA - General Electric - Detroit Lamp Works |
05-III-2016 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - USA - General Electric - Danvers Works of Eagle Lamp Company |
05-III-2016 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - USA - General Electric - Danvers Works of Boston Incandescent Lamp Co. |
05-III-2016 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - USA - General Electric - Euclid Paste & Paint Division |
04-III-2016 |
Catalogue |
General Electric USA Catalogue 1936 |
20-II-2016 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - USA - General Electric - Euclid Glass Division |
13-II-2016 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - USA - General Electric - Conneaut Lamp Plant |
13-II-2016 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - USA - General Electric - Conneaut Base Plant |
09-II-2016 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - USA - General Electric - East 152nd Street Facility |
09-II-2016 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - USA - General Electric - East Boston Lamp Works |
08-II-2016 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - USA - General Electric - Dover Wire Plant |
07-II-2016 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - USA - General Electric - Cuyahoga Lamp Plant |
07-II-2016 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - USA - General Electric - East Cleveland Lamp Works |
07-II-2016 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - USA - General Electric - Cleveland Lamp Works |
06-II-2016 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - USA - General Electric - Cleveland Bulb Works |
06-II-2016 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - USA - General Electric - Cleveland Weld Works |
06-II-2016 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - USA - General Electric - Carolina Welds Plant |
20-XII-2015 |
Lamp |
Osram HQI-T 70W / WDL single ended compact metal halide (updated) |
19-XII-2015 |
Lamp |
Bumix 'Jupiter' 605W mercury-tungsten (updated) |
12-XII-2015 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - USA - General Electric - Oakland Lamp Plant |
04-XII-2015 |
Lamp |
GE Halarc Electronic 55W self-ballasted metal halide in demonstration clear bulb |
22-XI-2015 |
Lamp |
Orion (Tungsram) TC 400W High Pressure Sodium of second Hungarian-made construction |
22-XI-2015 |
Lamp |
Polamp WLS 400W High Pressure Sodium of first Polish-made construction |
22-XI-2015 |
Lamp |
Atlas SON-T 250W of first generation with Stellox arc tube (updated) |
21-XI-2015 |
Lamp |
Osram-GEC Solarcolour Plus 310W with increased efficacy and lifetime |
15-XI-2015 |
Lamp |
Osram-GEC Solarcolour Deluxe 400W with improved colour rendering index |
14-XI-2015 |
Lamp |
Osram-GEC Solarcolour Plug-In 310W HPS Retrofit for Mercury Lamps |
02-XI-2015 |
Lamp |
Philips SOX-E PSG 36W with Solid-State Getter |
02-XI-2015 |
Lamp |
GE SOX-Plus 35W Low Pressure Sodium with Improved Life Claim |
01-XI-2015 |
Lamp |
Osram-GEC SuperSOX 18W Miniature Low Pressure Sodium |
31-X-2015 |
Lamp |
Osram 5th Gen. SOX-Plus 35W Low Pressure Sodium with Improved Life Claim |
25-X-2015 |
Lamp |
Osram 4th Gen. SuperSOX 55W Low Pressure Sodium with Improved Top Support |
25-X-2015 |
Lamp |
Osram-GEC 3rd Gen. SuperSOX 90W Low Pressure Sodium with Improved Top Support |
25-X-2015 |
Lamp |
Osram-GEC 2nd Gen. SuperSOX 55W Low Pressure Sodium with Ring Moulds + Graded Film |
24-X-2015 |
Lamp |
Atlas SLI/H 60W Linear Sodium with Indium Oxide Coating and 4-leaf clover discharge tube |
05-IX-2015 |
Lamp |
Mazda SL/H 60W Linear Sodium with heater coil for dimmable airfield applications updated |
05-IX-2015 |
Lamp |
Mazda SLI/H 60W Linear Sodium with triple glass insulation sleeves updated |
30-VIII-2015 |
Lamp |
Atlas SLI/H 200W Linear Sodium with Tin Coating and 4-leaf clover tube |
30-VIII-2015 |
Lamp |
Atlas SLI/H 140W Linear Sodium with Indium Coating and 4-leaf clover tube updated |
30-VIII-2015 |
Lamp |
Thorn SLI/H 200W High Output Linear Sodium with Indium Coating and 5-leaf clover tube |
29-VIII-2015 |
Lamp |
Osram-GEC SLI/H 200W Linear Sodium with Tin Coating and crescent-shape tube |
29-VIII-2015 |
Lamp |
Osram-GEC SLI/H 160W Linear Sodium with Indium Coating and crescent tube updated |
29-VIII-2015 |
Lamp |
Osram-GEC SLI/H 60W Linear Sodium with Tin Coating and crescent-shape tube |
24-VIII-2015 |
Lamp |
Osram-GEC SLI/H 60W Linear Sodium with Gold Coating and German-style tube |
23-VIII-2015 |
Lamp |
Osram-GEC SLI/H 175W Linear Sodium with Gold Coating |
11-VII-2015 |
Lamp |
Philips SOX-PSG 35W updated |
11-VII-2015 |
Lamp |
Philips SOX-Plus 35W updated |
11-VII-2015 |
Lamp |
Thorn EMI 2nd Generation SOX 135W Low Pressure Sodium |
06-VII-2015 |
Lamp |
GE-Thorn 3rd Generation SOX 35W Low Pressure Sodium |
06-VII-2015 |
Lamp |
GE SOX-E 26W Economy Low Pressure Sodium |
05-VII-2015 |
Lamp |
Philips SOX-E 26W Economy Low Pressure Sodium |
05-VII-2015 |
Lamp |
GEC SOX-E 26W Economy Low Pressure Sodium updated |
04-VII-2015 |
Lamp |
Philips 2nd Generation SOX 90W Low Pressure Sodium |
30-VI-2015 |
Lamp |
Thorn EMI 2nd Generation SOX 35W Low Pressure Sodium without Dimples |
28-VI-2015 |
Lamp |
Osram-GEC 1st Generation SOX/H 90W Low Pressure Sodium with Dimples |
27-VI-2015 |
Lamp |
Philips Prototype Low Pressure Sodium SOX 18W with Increased Efficacy |
27-VI-2015 |
Lamp |
Osram-GEC SOX/H 10W Low Pressure Sodium updated |
27-VI-2015 |
Lamp |
Philips 1st Generation SO-X 90W Low Pressure Sodium |
27-VI-2015 |
Lamp |
Philips 1st Generation SO-X 35W Low Pressure Sodium updated |
21-VI-2015 |
Lamp |
Philips Mini-SOX 18W Low Pressure Sodium |
21-VI-2015 |
Lamp |
Osram-GEC SOX/H 40W Low Pressure Sodium with Tin Oxide coating |
21-VI-2015 |
Lamp |
Philips SO-X 40W Low Pressure Sodium with Tin Oxide coating updated |
19-VI-2015 |
Catalogue |
Philips UK Catalogue 1966 |
19-VI-2015 |
Catalogue |
Philips UK Catalogue 1962-63 |
19-VI-2015 |
Catalogue |
Philips UK Catalogue 1957-58 |
19-VI-2015 |
Catalogue |
Philips UK Catalogue 1952 |
16-VI-2015 |
Lamp |
Philips SOI 200W 2nd Generation Low Pressure Sodium |
16-VI-2015 |
Lamp |
Philips SOI 140W 2nd Generation Low Pressure Sodium updated |
16-VI-2015 |
Lamp |
Philips SOI 85W 2nd Generation Low Pressure Sodium |
16-VI-2015 |
Lamp |
Philips SOI 60W 2nd Generation Low Pressure Sodium |
16-VI-2015 |
Lamp |
Philips SOI 45W 2nd Generation Low Pressure Sodium updated |
13-VI-2015 |
Lamp |
GEC SOI/H 140W Low Pressure Sodium with holes in sleeves updated |
13-VI-2015 |
Lamp |
GEC SOI/H 280W Low Pressure Sodium with twin discharge tube updated |
06-VI-2015 |
Lamp |
GEC SOI/H 140W Low Pressure Sodium updated |
06-VI-2015 |
Lamp |
GEC SOI/H 85W Low Pressure Sodium updated |
06-VI-2015 |
Lamp |
GEC SOI/H 45W Low Pressure Sodium updated |
05-VI-2015 |
Lamp |
BTH Mazda SO/H 140W Hardglass Low Pressure Sodium updated |
05-VI-2015 |
Lamp |
BTH Mazda SO/H 85W Hardglass Low Pressure Sodium updated |
05-VI-2015 |
Lamp |
BTH Mazda SO/H 60W Hardglass Low Pressure Sodium updated |
05-VI-2015 |
Lamp |
BTH Mazda SO/H 60W Softglass Low Pressure Sodium |
05-VI-2015 |
Lamp |
Philips SO/H 85W Low Pressure Sodium with Bamboo discharge tube updated |
26-V-2015 |
Lamp |
Philips SO/H 45W Low Pressure Sodium with Bamboo discharge tube |
26-V-2015 |
Lamp |
Philips SO/H 60W Low Pressure Sodium of British design |
25-V-2015 |
Lamp |
Philips SO/H 45W Low Pressure Sodium of British design |
24-V-2015 |
Lamp |
Philips SO/H 140W Low Pressure Sodium of British design |
24-V-2015 |
Lamp |
Philips SO/H 140W Low Pressure Sodium with Dimpled discharge tube |
24-V-2015 |
Lamp |
Philips SO/H 60W Low Pressure Sodium with Bamboo discharge tube |
24-V-2015 |
Lamp |
Philora SO400 60W Low Pressure Sodium of 1938 |
02-V-2015 |
Lamp |
Fabius Henrion 'Osmine' Sintered Metal Filament Lamp |
02-V-2015 |
Advert |
Advert for the Fabius Henrion 'Osmine' lamp, France, 1910 |
02-V-2015 |
Catalogue |
Fabius Henrion Nancy Lamp Catalogue, France, 1909 |
01-V-2015 |
Lamp |
Auer O.R. - Unusual Early Drawn Tungsten with open spiral filament Updated |
01-V-2015 |
Advert |
Five Adverts of Societe Francaise Auer for the O.R. lamp, 1912 |
07-IV-2015 |
Lamp |
German Siemens Tantalum Filament - Concentrated Filament 25 Hefner-CP Spherical |
07-IV-2015 |
Lamp |
American Westinghouse Tantalum Filament - 50W for Mirroscope |
07-IV-2015 |
Lamp |
British Siemens Tantalum Filament - Double Carrier High Voltage 50CP |
07-IV-2015 |
Lamp |
British Siemens Tantalum Filament - Spherical Low Voltage 32CP |
05-IV-2015 |
Lamp |
Auer O.R. - Unusual Early Drawn Tungsten with open spiral filament |
29-III-2015 |
Catalogue |
Sylvania France Lamp Catalogue 1966/67 |
07-II-2015 |
Lamp |
Sylvania Relumina 85W Ceramic Metal Halide Retrofit for Mercury Lamps |
07-II-2015 |
Lamp |
Thorn 3000W Rapid Nigrescence Military Signal, type 996-7835 |
17-I-2015 |
Lamp |
GE Decorative Incandescent "Celeste" |
10-I-2015 |
Lamp |
GE Decorative Incandescent Bowl Enamelled GA |
04-I-2015 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - USA - General Electric - Trumbull Lamp Plant |
03-I-2015 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - USA - General Electric - Youngstown Lamp Plant |
02-I-2015 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - USA - General Electric - Austintown Coils Plant |
02-I-2015 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - USA - General Electric - Andover Bulb Plant |
02-I-2015 |
Lamp |
French Mazda Triple Filament Lighthouse Lamp with Anti-Arcing Lightning Conductors |
26-XII-2014 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - USA - General Electric / Packard - Ohio Lamp Plant |
26-XII-2014 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - USA - General Electric - Bellevue Lamp Plant |
24-XII-2014 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - USA - General Electric / Brush - Cleveland E.45th Street Euclid Lamp Plant |
24-XII-2014 |
Lamp |
Philips ClassicLED 470lm A60 All-Glass Gasfilled LED Retrofit |
08-XII-2014 |
Lamp |
American Brush-Swan Carbon Filament Lamp of c.1893-95 |
07-XII-2014 |
Lamp |
American Brush-Swan Carbon Filament Lamp of c.1885-1893 |
30-XI-2014 |
Lamp |
Ft.Wayne Tipless Carbon Filament Lamp of 1897-1898 |
29-XI-2014 |
Lamp |
Soviet AL360B Green LED Emitter with Infrared Die and Anti-Stokes Phosphor |
20-IX-2014 |
Lamp |
Philips MasterPAR20 Electronic Halogen Reflector |
14-IX-2014 |
Lamp |
Osram Double Envelope Halogen - HC Decorative Candle |
13-IX-2014 |
Lamp |
OsramSylvania DuraOne A19 Electrodeless Induction Lamp |
31-VIII-2014 |
Lamp |
OsramSylvania Halogen Double Jacket with Oxygen Fuse |
31-VIII-2014 |
Lamp |
Philips Halogèna Natural Light Plus with Neodymium Bulb |
31-VIII-2014 |
Lamp |
Philips Halogèna Low Wattage Double Jacket Bulged Tubular Miniature |
31-VIII-2014 |
Lamp |
Philips Halogèna Low Wattage Double Jacket Bulged Tubular Opal |
31-VIII-2014 |
Lamp |
Philips Halogèna Low Wattage Double Jacket Tubular Frosted |
30-VIII-2014 |
Lamp |
Sylvania Halogen DLX European Mains Voltage Single Ended Halogen |
29-VIII-2014 |
Lamp |
Sylvania Capsylite American Mains Voltage High Efficacy Single Ended Halogen |
29-VIII-2014 |
Lamp |
GE PerformancePlus American Mains Voltage Single Ended Halogen |
24-VIII-2014 |
Lamp |
Thorn EMI K/16 Mains Voltage Single Ended Halogen with Backbone Support |
24-VIII-2014 |
Lamp |
Thorn EMI K/20F Mains Voltage Single Ended Halogen with Backbone Support |
24-VIII-2014 |
Lamp |
Wotan Halostar Glass 250W high wattage single ended mains halogen |
23-VIII-2014 |
Lamp |
Osram Halostar Ceramic 250W high wattage single ended mains halogen |
23-VIII-2014 |
Lamp |
Philips SON-T 250W Comfort with high colour rendering |
17-VIII-2014 |
Lamp |
Osram-GEC Experimental GLS Lamp with Plastic Cap |
17-VIII-2014 |
Lamp |
Thorn CP/32 Twin Filament Quartz Halogen for Television Studios |
17-VIII-2014 |
Lamp |
Osram-GEC CP/22 Twin Filament Glass Halogen with Flexi-Pin Base for Television Studios |
17-VIII-2014 |
Lamp |
Philips SL*18 Demonstration Clear Compact Fluorescent |
17-VIII-2014 |
Lamp |
Philips experimental 250W high pressure sodium with coated tubular outer bulb |
03-VIII-2014 |
Lamp |
Osram-GEC CP/57 Twin Filament Glass Halogen for Television Studios |
03-VIII-2014 |
Lamp |
Osram-GEC Accent decorative incandescent |
02-VIII-2014 |
Lamp |
Osram-GEC Swan Centenary Commemorative GLS with Single Filament Support |
02-VIII-2014 |
Lamp |
First Commercial Edison Carbon Lamp of 1879-1880 |
31-VII-2014 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - UK - GEC / Osram - Wembley |
28-VII-2014 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - UK - GEC / Osram - Team Valley |
24-VII-2014 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - UK - GEC / Osram - Hammersmith |
17-VII-2014 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - UK - GEC / Osram - St. Helens |
15-VII-2014 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - UK - GEC / Osram - Shaw |
29-VI-2014 |
Lamp |
Osram SON-R 310/360W Reflector High Pressure Sodium |
16-VI-2014 |
Lamp |
Philips HPLR Mercury Reflector 125W with Arsenate phosphor and E40 cap |
14-VI-2014 |
Lamp |
Thorn EMI K/19 Mains Voltage Single Ended Halogen with Backbone Support |
11-VI-2014 |
Lamp |
Philips HPI/TD 10,000W Double Ended Linear for Stadium Floodlighting |
09-VI-2014 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - UK - Atlas / Thorn / GE - Enfield |
11-V-2014 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - UK - Omega / Beacon - Sheffield |
10-V-2014 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - UK - Atlas / Thorn - Edmonton, Angel Road |
05-V-2014 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - UK - Vale Royal / Atlas / Thorn - Tottenham |
26-IV-2014 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - UK - Westinghouse - Trafford Park |
26-IV-2014 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - UK - BTH / AEI / Thorn - Buckie |
06-IV-2014 |
Sales |
Sales Links updated |
09-II-2014 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - UK - Omega - Rodney |
08-II-2014 |
Catalogue |
AEI Mazda Lamp Catalogue UK 1959 |
08-II-2014 |
Catalogue |
AGE Mazda Lamp Catalogue Australia 1954 |
18-I-2014 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - UK - Pintsch / Westinghouse / Cosmos / Westinghouse - Brimsdown |
11-I-2014 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - UK - Ekco - Southend-on-Sea |
11-I-2014 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - UK - Siemens - Dalston |
10-I-2014 |
Catalogue |
BTH Mazda Lamp Catalogue 1952 |
04-I-2014 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - UK - BTH Mazda - Rugby |
23-XII-2013 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - UK - Ediswan - Ponders End |
14-XII-2013 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - UK - Swan - Birkenhead |
01-XII-2013 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - UK - Swan - Benwell |
24-XI-2013 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - UK - Thorn - Merthyr Tydfil |
24-XI-2013 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - UK - Thorn - Leicester |
02-XI-2013 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - UK - Thorn - Preston Fylde Rd. |
01-XI-2013 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - UK - Siemens - Preston Strand Rd. |
26-X-2013 |
Factory |
Factory Profile - UK - Thorn - Preston Kent St. |
04-X-2013 |
Lamp |
Philips Spotline Incandescent Reflector with improved NR60 bulb shape |
04-X-2013 |
Lamp |
GE Miser Incandescent Reflector with improved BR30 bulb shape |
04-X-2013 |
Lamp |
GE-Mazda Early PAR38 Sealed Beam Incandescent Reflector |
04-X-2013 |
Lamp |
GE 4515 Sealed Beam Incandescent Pinspot |
08-IX-2013 |
Lamp |
GE High Wattage Incandescent Reflector RB52 1000 Watt |
07-IX-2013 |
Lamp |
Thorn Sealed Beam Reflector PAR46 200 Watt |
13-VII-2013 |
Lamp |
Stella FB-3000 Soviet Water-Cooled Electrodeless Xenon |
07-VII-2013 |
Link |
Link to Alessandro Cruto Museum of Italy |
06-VII-2013 |
Lamp |
GE-Mazda AH-4 Mercury lamp |
16-VI-2013 |
Lamp |
Philips HPI/T 375W of 2nd Generation Design |
16-VI-2013 |
Lamp |
Jewel / DuroTest Self-Ballasted Mercury 750W with Increased Efficacy |
16-VI-2013 |
Lamp |
MELZ DNaO 140W Soviet-style Low Pressure Sodium of 1966 |
15-VI-2013 |
Lamp |
Sieray MB/V 125W High Pressure Mercury of 1944 |
26-V-2013 |
Lamp |
Robertson Carbon Filament Lamp with Primitive Vitrite Cap, ca. 1901-1902 |
25-V-2013 |
Lamp |
Osira MB/V 125W High Pressure Mercury of 1944 |
25-V-2013 |
Lamp |
Edison-Swan decorative carbon filament with iced amber glass |
25-V-2013 |
Lamp |
Edison-Swan decorative carbon filament with opal striped glass |
25-V-2013 |
Lamp |
Edison-Swan decorative carbon filament with natural azure coloured glass |
25-V-2013 |
Lamp |
Gabriel & Angenault decorative carbon filament with dimpled brown glass |
20-IV-2013 |
Lamp |
Siemens 300W MAT/V Self-Ballasted Mercury |
20-IV-2013 |
Lamp |
General Electric NA-9 10,000 lumen AC Low Pressure Sodium lamp |
20-IV-2013 |
Lamp |
Philips Philora DO-80 AC Low Pressure Sodium lamp of 1932 |
20-IV-2013 |
Lamp |
Philips Philora 4000lm DC Low Pressure Sodium lamp of 1932 |
17-II-2013 |
Link |
Link Marcel van Grinsveld website |
26-VIII-2012 |
Lamp |
Lane-Fox Carbon Lamp of 1882 |
19-VIII-2012 |
Lamp |
Maxim Carbon Lamp of suspected British origin c. 1893-1890 |
22-VII-2012 |
Lamp |
GTE Sylvania Unalux 360W : Penning-start HPS lamp for mercury circuits |
23-V-2012 |
Lamp |
Novak Halogen-Filled Carbon Filament Lamp of 1893-1894 |
07-IV-2012 |
Section |
Addition of new technical section on Self-Starting Low Pressure Sodium Lamps |
04-II-2012 |
Datasheet |
Osira 1940 Fluorescent Tube Brochure |
04-II-2012 |
Catalogue |
Compagnie des Lampes Catalogue 1965 |
01-I-2012 |
Datasheet |
Westinghouse 1950 Mercury Lamp Brochure |
01-I-2012 |
Datasheet |
AEI MA, SO/H and CSI 400W Datasheets |
18-XII-2011 |
Section |
Updated Sodium AC Technical Section |
04-XII-2011 |
Lamp |
Philips Half Coated QL Electrodeless Demonstration Lamp |
19-XI-2011 |
Technical |
Updated technical section on sodium lamp technology |
05-XI-2011 |
Technical |
Updated technical section on incandescent lamp technology |
30-X-2011 |
Technical |
Updated technical section on fluorescent lamp technology |
27-IX-2011 |
Catalogue |
Philips Dutch Catalogue 1984 |
25-IX-2011 |
Lamp |
Philips SOI/H 45W Low Pressure Sodium for Darkroom Safelights |
25-IX-2011 |
Lamp |
GE SSL-5 Infrared LED |
28-VIII-2011 |
Lamp |
Philips? TO-46 Large Junction Red LED |
20-VIII-2011 |
Lamp |
Thorn TO-18 Gallium Arsenide Phosphide Red LED |
20-VIII-2011 |
Lamp |
Thorn TO-18 Gallium Arsenide Phosphide Yellow LED |
19-VII-2011 |
Catalogue |
Thorn Lighting UK Catalogue 1969/70 |
19-VII-2011 |
Catalogue |
Atlas Lamps UK Catalogue 1940 |
19-VII-2011 |
Catalogue |
Osram-GEC UK Tungsten Lamp Catalogue 1910 |
19-VII-2011 |
Catalogue |
Osram Germany Catalogue 1962 |
19-VII-2011 |
Catalogue |
Osram Germany Catalogue c.1959 |
16-VII-2011 |
Catalogue |
Royal Ediswan UK Catalogue 1952 |
16-VII-2011 |
Catalogue |
Royal Ediswan UK Catalogue 1948 |
16-VII-2011 |
Catalogue |
Royal Ediswan UK Catalogue 1921 |
16-VII-2011 |
Catalogue |
Edison & Swan United Electric Light Company Catalogue 1913 (Tantalum Lamps) |
16-VII-2011 |
Catalogue |
Edison & Swan United Electric Light Company Catalogue 1910 (Sintered Tungsten Lamps) |
16-VII-2011 |
Catalogue |
Edison & Swan United Electric Light Company Catalogue 1896 |
16-VII-2011 |
Catalogue |
Edison & Swan United Electric Light Company Catalogue 1893 |
16-VII-2011 |
Catalogue |
Philips France Catalogue 1959-60 |
16-VII-2011 |
Catalogue |
Philips UK Catalogue 1953 |
13-VII-2011 |
Catalogue |
Philips Belgium Catalogue 1941 |
13-VII-2011 |
Journal |
Several issues of "The Outshining Light" added |
12-VII-2011 |
Journal |
Several issues of "Mazda House News" added |
02-VI-2011 |
Journal |
Several issues of "Thorn Lighting Journal" added |
02-VI-2011 |
Journal |
New section for Industrial Journals |
28-V-2011 |
Lamp |
Philips XL 20W Prototype Electrodeless Induction lamp |
28-V-2011 |
Lamp |
GE Multi-Vapor 400W Base Down lamp of early sodium-scandium design |
28-V-2011 |
Lamp |
Philips HPI/T 2000W High Wattage Metal Halide of First Generation |
28-V-2011 |
Lamp |
Osram ColorStar DSX-T 80W - White Sodium Lamp with Variable Colour Temperature |
28-V-2011 |
Lamp |
Philips HPI-BUS 400W Self-Starting Metal Halide |
28-V-2011 |
Lamp |
Fujifilm type SM Double-Reflector Incandescent Lamp for Film Projection |
02-IV-2011 |
Lamp |
Philips Master LEDbulb Glow 7W with Remote Phosphor |
30-I-2011 |
Lamp |
Philips HPL Deluxe with Coarse Grained Vanadate Phosphor |
23-XII-2010 |
Lamp |
Philips MasterClassic Halogen IRC with Integrated Transformer |
23-XII-2010 |
Lamp |
Philips LEDi 806 lumen Retrofit with Remote Phosphor |
10-VII-2010 |
Lamp |
Hewlett-Packard 5082-4403 LED in Early T-1¾ Package with Diffuse Epoxy & Metal Flange |
10-VII-2010 |
Catalogue |
Thorn Lighting UK Catalogue 1989/90 |
03-VII-2010 |
Lamp |
Fairchild Semiconductor Red LED with High On/Off Contrast Ratio |
27-VI-2010 |
Lamp |
Monsanto MV1 First Commercial Visible Light LED |
01-V-2010 |
Lamp |
GE Infrared Reflector with Ruby Front Hardglass Bulb |
24-IV-2010 |
Lamp |
Edison Mazda 'C' 500W Gas-filled Tungsten of early design |
17-IV-2010 |
Lamp |
GE Sintered Tungsten Filament of 1909 with frosted bulb crown |
22-VIII-2009 |
Lamp |
Philips K/9 Linear Halogen incorporating dual fusing chambers in the pinch seals |
19-VII-2009 |
Technical |
Timeline of Mercury Lamp Developments |
18-VII-2008 |
Lamp |
Edison New Type lamp of 1893-1899 pattern with squirted cellulose filament |
25-VI-2009 |
Catalogue |
GE USA Lamp Catalogue 1960 |
25-VI-2009 |
Catalogue |
GE USA Lamp Catalogue 1948 |
25-VI-2009 |
Catalogue |
GE USA Lamp Catalogue 1937 |
19-VI-2009 |
Catalogue |
Osram-GEC UK Lamp Catalogue 1959 |
19-VI-2009 |
Catalogue |
Osram-GEC UK Lamp Catalogue 1951 |
19-VI-2009 |
Catalogue |
Osram-GEC UK Lamp Catalogue 1937 |
19-VI-2009 |
Catalogue |
Osram-GEC UK Lamp Catalogue 1932 |
19-VI-2009 |
Catalogue |
BTH-Mazda UK Lamp Catalogue 1954 |
19-VI-2009 |
Catalogue |
BTH-Mazda UK Lamp Catalogue 1937 |
19-VI-2009 |
Catalogue |
BTH-Mazda UK Lamp Catalogue 1929 |
13-VI-2009 |
Catalogue |
Osram-GEC UK Lamp Catalogue 1975 |
11-VI-2009 |
Catalogue |
BTH-Mazda UK Lamp Catalogue 1947 |
11-VI-2009 |
Link |
Link John Mitchell website |
20-II-2009 |
Lamp |
French Mazda Rectalux Side Mirror Incandescent |
17-I-2009 |
Section |
New technical section on incandescent lamp technology |
28-XII-2008 |
Lamp |
Philips Crown Silver Inside Frosted Display lamp |
28-XII-2008 |
Lamp |
Atlas Tru-Flector Projection Lamp with Offset Filament axis - A1/24 DFN |
28-XII-2008 |
Lamp |
Osram DecoPin G9 Mains Voltage Halogen Reflector |
28-XII-2008 |
Lamp |
Atlas U-Tube Halogen Photoflood - P1/19 |
24-XII-2008 |
Lamp |
Osram Halolux Classic A-shape GLS Retrofit |
24-XII-2008 |
Lamp |
Sylvania ES50 50W - The First GU10 Lamp |
11-XI-2008 |
Lamp |
Thorn MR16 with Bayonet Cap - M/57 GBT |
10-XI-2008 |
Lamp |
Thorn AR48 with Glass Front Lens - M/53 |
10-XI-2008 |
Lamp |
Atlas Low Voltage Bosch Incandescent Reflector |
10-X-2008 |
Lamp |
Osram Halostar Maxi Spot AR70 Aluminium Reflector - 41980SP M/160 |
08-X-2008 |
Lamp |
Osram-GEC A1/215 Projector Lamp - World's first Single Ended Halogen capsule |
6-X-2008 |
Lamp |
Philips Philora Direct Current Sodium Discharge |
29-IX-2008 |
Lamp |
Philips Master GreenPower 1000W TD |
29-IX-2008 |
Lamp |
Sylvania Professional DeLuxe MR16 Sealed - M269 BAB |
29-IX-2008 |
Lamp |
Sylvania Tru-Aim Professional MR16 Sealed - M250 EXZ |
29-IX-2008 |
Lamp |
Osram Halostar KLR51 1st Generation - M50 EXZ |
29-IX-2008 |
Lamp |
Sylvania Tru-Aim MR16 Energy Saver - 42W EYR |
14-VII-2008 |
Lamp |
Thorn Lightstream Low Voltage Dichroic Mirror Lamp - M50 EXZ |
12-VII-2008 |
Lamp |
Osglim Neon Glow lamp, with Letter shaped electrodes for early illuminated signs |
12-VII-2008 |
Lamp |
Osram HaloPin - the first mains voltage capsule for open fixtures |
12-VII-2008 |
Lamp |
Philips AR56 Aluminium Reflector Halogen - type GBK |
12-VII-2008 |
Lamp |
General Electric Quartzline EJM - the first MR16 Dichroic Reflector |
12-VII-2008 |
Lamp |
Mazda Low Voltage Halogen Capsule for Spotlighting |
12-VII-2008 |
Lamp |
Philips Halogena Low Wattage Double Jacket Halogen |
09-VII-2008 |
Lamp |
Philips IODE High Efficacy Double Jacket Halogen |
17-II-2008 |
Lamp |
GE Tungsten Halogen of first design for Theatre & Stage Applications |
17-II-2008 |
Lamp |
GE Tungsten Halogen Double Ended of first design for Overhead Projectors |
10-II-2008 |
Lamp |
Sylvania Ellipsoidal Reflector Incandescent for European Market |
03-II-2008 |
Lamp |
Second Generation Planar Filament Halogen Lamp - GE Q2000T11/4CL |
03-II-2008 |
Lamp |
First Generation Planar Filament Halogen Lamp - GE Q750T20/4CL |
30-I-2008 |
Lamp |
Duro-Test First Inrared-Recycling Incandescent Lamp |
18-I-2008 |
Lamp |
Osram-GEC Early Drawn Tungsten Wire Filament |
13-I-2008 |
Lamp |
Sylvania DNF - Dichroic Miniature Sealed Beam for 8mm Projector |
4-I-2008 |
Lamp |
GE Tantalum Filament 25W 120V of American design |
3-I-2008 |
Lamp |
Philips HalfWatt Gas Filled Tungsten 100W 110V |
3-I-2008 |
Lamp |
Edison Carbonised Bamboo Filament Lamp of 1884 pattern |
3-I-2008 |
Section |
Addition of Incandescent and Tungsten Halogen product categories |
3-I-2008 |
Site |
Re-named "Museum of Historic Discharge Lamps" to "Museum of Electric Lamp Technology" |
29-IX-2007 |
Lamp |
GE ConstantColor Ceramic Metal Halide 20W in MR16 Reflector |
29-IX-2007 |
Lamp |
Welch Allyn 3W Experimental Miniature Metal Halide Arc Tube |
29-IX-2007 |
Lamp |
Wotan Powerstar Daylight Metal Halide HQI-T 400W / DV |
30-VI-2007 |
Lamp |
Philips HPK 125/L Laboratory Mercury Lamp |
09-VI-2007 |
Lamp |
Norelco / Philips SON-T 250W made for American market |
15-IV-2007 |
Lamp |
Philips HP/AB 400W Early design UV Metal Halide lamp |
15-IV-2007 |
Lamp |
Westinghouse Safety Lifeguard H33GL-T400/DX with improved cut-out design |
27-I-2007 |
Lamp |
Philips HO2000 450W Dutch style medium pressure mercury |
30-XI-2006 |
Site |
XHTML compatible site format introduced |
22-VII-2006 |
Lamp |
Osram HgH1000 265W German style medium pressure mercury lamp |
22-VII-2006 |
Lamp |
Musco Metal Halide Z-Lamp 1500W |
22-VII-2006 |
Lamp |
Philips UHP 120W First Generation lamp |
21-VII-2006 |
Lamp |
Duro-Test Fluomeric Self-Ballasted Mercury 450W half coated |
09-VII-2006 |
Lamp |
Tesla SHC 70W Sodium with Monolithic 2-part PCA |
09-VII-2006 |
Lamp |
Narva NC400-04 Gallium-Indium Halide Lamp |
09-VII-2006 |
Lamp |
Philips SL1000 First Compact Fluorescent Prototype |
25-VI-2006 |
Lamp |
DuroTest Safe-T-Vapor 175W Mercury lamp with Oxygen Fuse |
25-VI-2006 |
Lamp |
Osram-GEC MB/D 80W First Quartz lamp with Molybdenum Ribbon Seals |
25-VI-2006 |
Lamp |
WelchAllyn 10-watt Metal Halide |
25-VI-2006 |
Lamp |
GE A-H5 High Pressure Mercury |
25-VI-2006 |
Lamp |
GE A-H1 Medium Pressure Mercury |
16-VI-2006 |
Lamp |
Philips SL*18R CFL Reflector lamp for Horticulture |
18-IV-2006 |
Lamp |
Osram-GEC Solarstream SON-L 250W Gas-Filled Linear Sodium |
18-IV-2006 |
Lamp |
Osram Vialox NAV-TS 400W Vacuum Linear Sodium |
21-III-2006 |
Lamp |
GE Bonus Line Mercury 175W |
21-III-2006 |
Lamp |
Tungsram HgMIF 400/DH Rare Earth Metal Halide |
21-III-2006 |
Lamp |
Philips CFL-i Tornado Spiral shaped |
21-III-2006 |
Lamp |
GE Light Engine Xenon Metal Halide |
19-III-2006 |
Lamp |
YaMing Red Metal Halide JLC250 |
19-III-2006 |
Lamp |
Sylvania Super Metalarc Vertical 1000W |
19-II-2006 |
Lamp |
GEC MEI 2500W Coolseal with Supercool Leads |
19-II-2006 |
Lamp |
Sylvania BriteArc Double Ended 12,000 Watt |
18-II-2006 |
Lamp |
Mazda MCFA/U Nickel Stripe Instant Start Fluorescent |
18-II-2006 |
Lamp |
Wotan Circolux Electronica Compact Fluorescent |
17-II-2006 |
Lamp |
Wotan HQI-R 250W / NDL Reflector Metal Halide |
15-II-2006 |
Lamp |
Philips CDMR-i 25W Mastercolour Integrated Ballast PAR38 |
28-XII-2005 |
Lamp |
GE CMH-TT 250W/830 High Wattage CMH with single piece arc tube |
23-X-2005 |
Lamp |
Westinghouse H400/Y "Caution Yellow" Mercury Fluorescent |
23-X-2005 |
Lamp |
Westinghouse H400/R "Beauty Lite" Mercury Fluorescent |
19-IX-2005 |
Lamp |
Osram MAF/V 400W Mercury with Zinc Cadmium Sulphide phosphor |
19-IX-2005 |
Lamp |
Sylvania H45AZ 40W Mercury Discharge |
24-VII-2005 |
Lamp |
Osira ME/H 500W Compact Source Mercury |
24-VII-2005 |
Lamp |
Osram ME/D 250W Compact Source Mercury |
23-VII-2005 |
Lamp |
Osram HQI-R 150W/FO Fibre Optic Metal Halide |
23-VII-2005 |
Lamp |
Philips Nightlight CFL with Integrated LED feature |
23-VII-2005 |
Lamp |
Philips "Genie" Asian Low-Cost Compact Fluorescent |
23-VII-2005 |
Lamp |
GE-Thorn Electrodeless Induction Self-Ballasted |
25-VI-2005 |
Lamp |
Thorn MBIF/H/S Lithium doped lamp for Marks & Spencer |
30-IV-2005 |
Lamp |
GE S-1 Sunlight Mercury |
17-IV-2005 |
Lamp |
GE NE-42 Negative Glow Neon Discharge |
17-IV-2005 |
Lamp |
Thorn CMH 70W Ceramic Metal Halide of experimental design |
17-IV-2005 |
Lamp |
Narva NC400-00 Mercury Halide of sodium-lithium-indium-thallium style |
20-II-2005 |
Lamp |
Narva NF125-00 Mercury with cermet emitter pellet electrodes |
19-II-2005 |
Link |
Update of links including new addition to Novalamp |
23-I-2005 |
Lamp |
Philips SN 220W Tin Halide |
23-I-2005 |
Lamp |
Japan Storage Battery Co. - 230W Ceramic Metal Halide |
23-I-2005 |
Lamp |
Polam LRF 125W Mercury with Vanadate-Orthophosphate phosphor blend |
23-I-2005 |
Lamp |
Sylvania H175/DX Deluxe White Mercury |
23-I-2005 |
Lamp |
Sylvania H100/C Colour Improved Mercury |
09-I-2005 |
Lamp |
Thorn Ceramic Metal Halide with Sapphire arc tube |
09-I-2005 |
Lamp |
Philips CDM-TD Ceramic Metal Halide 150W / 830 |
09-I-2005 |
Lamp |
Philips CDM-R Ceramic Metal Halide 35W / 830 |
09-I-2005 |
Lamp |
Philips CDM-E Ceramic Metal Halide 70W / 830 |
09-I-2005 |
Lamp |
Philips CDM-T Ceramic Metal Halide 35W / 830 |
09-I-2005 |
Lamp |
Narva NF125-21 Ellipsoidal Reflector Mercury Discharge |
05-I-2005 |
Lamp |
Narva HQLG 400-01 Goldweiß Fluorogermanate Mercury Discharge |
31-XII-2004 |
Lamp |
Narva HQLS 250-01 Silberweiß Orthophosphate Mercury Discharge |
31-XII-2004 |
Lamp |
Thorn Half Coated Demonstration Mercury lamp |
21-XI-2004 |
Lamp |
Philips SO/H Bamboo Style low pressure sodium |
21-XI-2004 |
Lamp |
TOTO Ceramic Metal Halide with Transparent YAG arc tube |
20-XI-2004 |
Lamp |
GE 'First Light' Halarc Electronic Self Ballasted Metal Halide |
10-X-2004 |
Lamp |
Philips Philora MA/V 250W Medium Pressure Mercury |
10-X-2004 |
Lamp |
Sylvania H33-1CD Mercury lamp with flat girder frame construction |
06-X-2004 |
Lamp |
Westinghouse Corstar high pressure sodium with Sapphire arc tube |
06-IX-2004 |
Lamp |
Osram Planon Dielectric Barrier Excimer discharge |
06-IX-2004 |
Lamp |
Sylvania H44GS-100 Sealed Beam Mercury Reflector |
06-IX-2004 |
Lamp |
Philips ML 500 early version mercury blended |
31-VIII-2004 |
Lamp |
Philips MHN-T 70W Open Fixture Metal Halide |
22-VIII-2004 |
Lamp |
Philips Cleo HPA400/S Iron-Cobalt Halide Sun Tanning |
22-VIII-2004 |
Lamp |
Philips ML 160W Clear, of new design for automated production |
22-VIII-2004 |
Lamp |
Westinghouse Canadian C150S56 High Pressure Sodium |
22-VIII-2004 |
Lamp |
Thorn MBI-T 250W Tri-band Metal Halide |
21-VIII-2004 |
Link |
Link to new website of Victory Lighting |
21-VIII-2004 |
Link |
Link to new website of SLI Lighting USA |
19-V-2004 |
Lamp |
Iwasaki Miniature Reflector Mercury HR50W/S |
19-V-2004 |
Lamp |
Sylvania BriteBeam 200W/PAR36 Metal Halide Reflector |
18-V-2004 |
Lamp |
Sylvania Warmtone Mercury H38JA-100/N |
29-XII-2003 |
Lamp |
Sylvania Strobotron Neon discharge |
29-XII-2003 |
Lamp |
Sylvania Zirconium Oxide Concentrated Arc Lamp B25 |
29-XII-2003 |
Lamp |
GE 'Photo-micrographic' Tungsten Arc Source |
29-XII-2003 |
Lamp |
Shanghai Hongyuan Saturn No.2 Electrodeless Fluorescent |
29-XII-2003 |
Lamp |
Philips VeDiLiS H4 Automotive Metal Halide Prototype |
21-XII-2003 |
Link |
Link to new collectors website - Stanislav Slabyhoudek |
14-XII-2003 |
Lamp |
Philips TL Mini Aperture Fluorescent |
14-XII-2003 |
Lamp |
XingJi Mercury with Halogen Ballast Filament |
14-XII-2003 |
Lamp |
Osram HQV 80W Blacklight Mercury |
14-XII-2003 |
Lamp |
Sylvania Lumalux LU200 High Pressure Sodium |
13-XII-2003 |
Lamp |
Tesla Green Mercury Halide RVIZ 400W |
11-XII-2003 |
Link |
Link to new collectors website - Frank Andrews |
31-X-2003 |
Link |
Link to new collectors websites - Stefan Lichtparade and |
10-X-2003 |
Lamp |
Matsushita 12W Electrodeless Pa-Look Ball YOU |
9-X-2003 |
Lamp |
Osram-GEC Blue Mercury Halide MBI 400W |
5-X-2003 |
Lamp |
Thorn First Generation 70W SON, Wide Bore PCA |
5-X-2003 |
Lamp |
Westinghouse High Lumen 400W Mercury with strontium zinc orthophosphate H33-1-GL/W |
5-X-2003 |
Section |
Selection of German Osram Spectral lamps |
22-IX-2003 |
Lamp |
Philips 250W HPL Mercury with Magnesium Arsenate phosphor and carbon dioxide filling |
21-IX-2003 |
Lamp |
Philips 150W SON-T Deco, high colour rendering lamp |
21-IX-2003 |
Lamp |
GE 160W Self-Ballasted Mercury, low voltage style |
21-IX-2003 |
Lamp |
Iwasaki ColorArc PAR36 |
21-IX-2003 |
Lamp |
Osram HNS10/U Ozone Free Germicidal |
21-IX-2003 |
Lamp |
Philips Master SOX PSG 35W Low Pressure Sodium |
21-IX-2003 |
Technical |
Technical page on failure of sodium lamps |
07-IX-2003 |
Movies |
Movies |
31-VIII-2003 |
Lamp |
Thorn MBIL 1500W Linear Metal Halide |
31-VIII-2003 |
Lamp |
Wujin Lijia KK - First Chinese Ceramic Metal Halide |
31-VIII-2003 |
Lamp |
Osram HQI-BT 400W Daylight Metal Halide |
31-VIII-2003 |
Lamp |
Mazda MAIH 2000 B High Wattage Metal Halide |
25-VIII-2003 |
Technical |
New technical section on mercury lamp technology |
22-VIII-2003 |
Lamp |
Philips D2S Ultinon 6000K Automotive Headlight |
22-VIII-2003 |
Lamp |
Philips CDM-R111 Ceramic Metal Halide |
07-VIII-2003 |
Movies |
TV Advert for new Matsushita Electrodeless Pa-Look Ball YOU lamp |
07-VIII-2003 |
Lamp |
Iwasaki 150W Sunlux Ultra Ace Sodium to replace 175W Mercury |
07-VIII-2003 |
Lamp |
Iwasaki 400W Blacklight Mercury |
24-VII-2003 |
Link |
New link to Landesmuseum-Mannheim - outstanding incandescent lamp collection |
20-VII-2003 |
Lamp |
Osram Endura Induction lamp |
16-VII-2003 |
Lamp |
Sulphur Electrodeless Microwave-frequency lamp |
09-VII-2003 |
Link |
Updated link to Maxime Gendre new website - check it out! |
09-VII-2003 |
Lamp |
GE Purple-X Blacklight lamp |
06-VII-2003 |
Lamp |
Toshiba 200W Mercury with strontium orthophosphate coating |
06-VII-2003 |
Lamp |
Philips HPL-Comfort 80W with YAG Phosphor blend |
06-VII-2003 |
Lamp |
Atlas 250W Mercury-Blended (old style) |
16-VI-2003 |
Lamp |
Iwasaki 2,000W Mercury Discharge |
08-VI-2003 |
Lamp |
Iwasaki High-CRI ColorArc Metal Halide |
07-VI-2003 |
Lamp |
Crompton MB/U 80W Uncoated Mercury Discharge |
07-VI-2003 |
Lamp |
Iwasaki 5-Band 'FEC Multi Super Ace' Metal Halide |
07-VI-2003 |
Lamp |
Sylvania BriteSpot MR16 Metal Halide |
07-VI-2003 |
Lamp |
GE PXA-80 Pulsed Xenon Arc |
31-V-2003 |
Movies |
Videos showing the failure of good and poorly fused 240-Volt Halogen capsules |
31-V-2003 |
Lamp |
Philips Thulium Lamp MHN 70W |
17-V-2003 |
Catalogue |
Philips UK Lamp Catalogue 1965 |
13-V-2003 |
Movies |
Videos showing the various internal ignitors for HID lamps in action |
11-V-2003 |
Datasheet |
Mazda 1958 data sheets for SO & MA products |
25-IV-2003 |
Lamp |
GE H2 250W Medium Pressure Mercury |
25-IV-2003 |
Lamp |
Osram HBO 3500W Short Arc Mercury |
18-IV-2003 |
Lamp |
Osram "Caution Yellow" HQL/5 250W Mercury |
18-IV-2003 |
Lamp |
GEC MBFR 125W Mercury Reflector |
13-IV-2003 |
Lamp |
Sylvania Metalarc 100W Compact Metal Halide |
13-IV-2003 |
Lamp |
GE Halarc 32W Compact DC Metal Halide |
13-IV-2003 |
Lamp |
GE Multi-Vapor II 175W with internal electronic ignitor |
13-IV-2003 |
Lamp |
GE-Thorn 5000W MB Linear UV |
13-IV-2003 |
Lamp |
GE 85W Ultra-Violet Lab Arc |
13-IV-2003 |
Lamp |
GE 70W SON with internal electronic ignitor |
13-IV-2003 |
Lamp |
Osram 70W SON-Plus experimental design |
13-IV-2003 |
Lamp |
Thorn MBFR 400W Mercury Reflector |
13-IV-2003 |
Lamp |
GEC MBF 1000W Mercury |
13-IV-2003 |
Lamp |
Philips MLR 160W Mercury Blended |
11-IV-2003 |
Lamp |
Philips TW6 Low Pressure Blacklight |
11-IV-2003 |
Lamp |
Philips PL*9 First Compact Fluorescent |
23-III-2003 |
Catalogue |
BTH-Mazda British Lamp Catalogue, 1954 |
23-III-2003 |
Lamp |
Reflux Side Mirror 400W SON |
23-III-2003 |
Lamp |
Sylvania MicroLynx F |
23-III-2003 |
Lamp |
Bumix Jupiter 860W Mercury-Tungsten |
16-III-2003 |
Lamp |
Philips Electrodeless QL 85W |
15-III-2003 |
Lamp |
Osram Mercury HQA 125W |
15-III-2003 |
Lamp |
GE Mercury H25DE |
23-II-2003 |
Catalogue |
Osram-GEC British Lamp Catalogue, 1951 |
21-II-2003 |
Site |
Home page redesign |
11-II-2003 |
Link |
Links to related sites added |
01-II-2003 |
Link |
Links to lamp manufacturers added |
28-I-2003 |
Movie |
Video of the tungsten halogen cycle in action |
16-I-2003 |
Site |
New format site introduced |
2002 |
Site |
Museum of Historic Discharge Lamps founded |