Updated 13-II-2016

Conneaut Lamp Works

Little information has been found concerning the now-closed Conneaut Lamp Works, other than it is known to have existed in 1906, and was closed between 1914 and 1941. At the outset it would almost certainly have manufactured carbon filament lamps. An old postcard of 1910 cites its name as the Conneaut Mazda Lamp Works, which would imply that by then it was producing tungsten filament lamps. According to Covington, manufacturing of tungsten lamps was ceased after September 1914.

A 1937 document makes reference to the existince of the Conneaut Base Works. The more modern lamp-base factory building was not constructed until 1941. It is therefore considered possible that the Conneaut Lamp Plant may have been converted to base production, and maintained that activity until 1941 when the new building was opened. In late 1944 the original Lamp Works building was taken over by the Astatic Corporation, who manufactured a pioneering range of crystal microphones. The building has since been demolished.

Conneaut Mazda Lamp Works, 2010.

Address Jackson Street & Harbour Street, Conneaut, Ohio 44030, U.S.A.
Location 41.9472°E, -80.5542°N
Opened Pre-1906.
Closed Lampmaking ceased after September 1914. Factory may have continued making lamp bases until as late as 1941.
Products Carbon Filament, later tungsten filament lamps. Possibly also brass bases for lamps.

1 GE Conneaut Employee of 1937, Washington State Powwow, April 1953 p.16.
2 Mazda Conneaut Lamp Works - evidence of existence in 1906.
3 The Electric Incandescent Lamp 1880-1925, E.J. Covington, NELA Press 1988, p.53.
4 Private Communication, Andrew Pullen, February 2016.
5 West-Tech Services - History of the Astatic Corporation.