In June 1959 GE introduced the world's first halogen lamp for general lighting, of which this is one of the earliest. The year before other types had been developed for infrared heating applications, and for aircraft wing-tip illuminators.
The tungsten-halogen principle involves filling the bulb with a halogenated gas, which reacts with tungsten atoms boiling off the filament surface to form a tungsten halide molecule. This is too volatile to condense on the hot bulb wall, but decomposes to deposit the collected tungsten atoms on the colder filament tails. By this mechanism, bulb blackening is prevented and the bulb can be made much smaller. The smaller bulbs are physically stronger and can be filled with higher inert gas pressures, which in turn reduces tungsten evaporation and allows either the life to be extended, or the filament to be run hotter and hence more efficient for the same life. Hence halogen lamps are generally very much smaller, brighter, and longer-lived than incandescent types.
The first successful halogen lamp was patented when Elmer Fridrich and Emmett Wiley had the idea to dose their infrared lamps with iodine to prevent blackening. The chemistry was then refined by Fred Mosby and Ed Zubler who made the necessary improvements to allow halogen lamps to be commercialised. Mosby is also the inventor of the R7s recessed contact base on this lamp, which replaced the complex terminals of earlier halogen prototypes. Its silver-plated contacts are crimped to a molybdenum wire, which is flattened and etched to a feather-edged elliptical shape to allow sealing through the iodine-filled quartz tube. The ends of the foils are welded to the filament, which is supported axially along the bulb by four tungsten loops. |