Incandescent lamps have long been used as a convenient source of heat. Even in the 1890s manufacturers offered high power carbon lamps for domestic radiators. However it it was not until the late 1930s that filament lamps suddenly gained popularity for industrial heating, following the pioneering work of Ford with standard incandescent lamps to accelerate paint drying in its automobile production.
The first industrial infrared lamps were made in spherical bulbs for use with an external reflector. However, following the invention of the aluminised blown-reflector lamp, it was a logical step to produce infrared lamps with integrated reflector. This very much simplified the arrangements in infrared paint drying tunnels, and allowed a significant increased in irradiation levels due to the closer spacing that became possible between adjacent lamps.
Initially the infrared reflector lamps were made in soft glass bulbs, even up to the most powerful 375W rating. Their high operating temperature rendered them liable to shatter with some violence if splashed with liquids or touched against cold objects whilst in operation, due to the low thermal shock resistance of soda-lime type glasses. That problem was overcome with the lamp featured here, which employs a hard glass borosilicate bulb which is considerably more resistant to thermal shock. However this also increased lamp cost by around 40%, hence the hardglass types are mainly for domestic use whereas industrial customers tend to prefer the cheaper softglass lamps. The filament is a coiled-coil design operating at 2500K to produce the optimum wavelengths for domestic heating. A mica baffle plate in the lamp neck serves to limit the cap temperature rise. |