Incandescent lamps have long been used as a convenient source of heat. Even in the 1890s manufacturers offered high power carbon lamps for domestic radiators. However it it was not until the late 1930s that filament lamps suddenly gained popularity for industrial heating, following the pioneering work of Ford with standard incandescent lamps to accelerate paint drying in its automobile production.
GE was quick to recognise this new application, and during WW2 introduced the first industrial infrared lamp. It was rated 250W in a G-30 bulb, with an under-run tungsten filament to maximise the proportion of infrared energy and shift its radiation to more useful longer wavelengths. More powerful 375W and 500W versions soon followed, as well as a smaller 125W rating to provide a slower ramp-up in temperature for conveyor-belt applications.
The growth of the automotive industry fuelled a desire for more powerful lamps, but a common problem even up to 375W was degradation of the capping cement at the high ambient tempeatures of the ovens. During the early 1940s GE therefore introduced 500W and 1000W designs with glass Bi-Post bases. The filament has a unique triangular shape - this proving more efficient when used in conjunction with an external reflector to deliver beams of both high irradiance and high uniformity. The original lamps had a G-40 bulb and 3.5" LCL. The bulbs were later adjusted to the T-40 shape featured here, allowing the reflector to be brought closer to the filament for higher performance, and the LCL was later shortened to 3.0625" to provide still higher performance. This 500W rating was discontinued in 1953-54, but the 1000W remained listed until 1973-74. |