Sylvania Mite-T-Light Microminiature B8810

Sylvania microminiature incandescent lamps were introduced in November 1959, in response to the electronic industry's increasing requirements for an extremely small light source of very low current consumption. This was fuelled by the US Military's 'Microminiaturisation' projects of the 1950s and 60s, to drastically reduce the size of electronic components.

Tiny incandescent lamps had existed previously, such as the famous 'Pinlites' of the Kay Electric Company. However, their production required precision manual labour which resulted in high costs and wide quality variations. Sylvania was first to mechanise the production, achieving huge cost reductions and quality improvements. An early application was via Sylvania's own Defence Electronics division for long-range guided missiles. Other applications included photoelectric logic systems for computers, high speed punchcard and tape readers, miniature matrix displays - and even in jewelry and decorative arts. Their primary requirement though, was that their voltage and current were low enough to be illuminated by the tiny currents controlled by electronic transistors.

Both double-ended and single-ended lamps were produced. Thei filament of this example consists of a hairpin-shaped fine tungsten wire, directly welded to a pair of dumet wires. A tiny glass tube is pinched around the wires, constricted above the filament, exhausted to vacuum and sealed via the upper glass tip. Whereas previous lamps required expensive platinum wire seals to avoid glass stresses, Sylvania's cost leadership resulted from its development of extremely fine dumet wires. Despite the initial success, such lamps were quickly superseded by LEDs in the late 1960s / early 1970s, which could operate at still lower currents.
Manufacturer: Sylvania Electric Products
Lamp Power: 0.1 Watts
Lamp Voltage: 1.0 Volts
Lamp Current: 0.100 Amperes
Cap Type: Dumet Wires 0.127mm x 1.8mm centres
Bulb Type: T-1.4mm T-0.4 in eighths/inch (0.055")
Bulb Finish: Clear Soda-lime glass
Filament Type: S-2 Hairpin
Atmosphere: Vacuum
Luminous Flux: Approx. 150 millilumens
Luminous Efficacy: Approx. 1.5 lm/W
Colour Temperature: Approx. 1950K
Colour Rendering: Ra 100
Chromaticity Co-ordinates: CCx: 0.530 CCy: 0.408
Lifetime: Unknown
Warm-up & Re-strike Time: Instant Instant
Burning Position: Universal
Overall Length: 4.4mm 0.175 inches
Light Centre Length 4.3mm 0.175 inches
Factory: Boston Street, Salem U.S.A.
Date of Manufacture: Approx. 1959-1970
Original Value:
References: 1) Photoelectric Measurement
2) Allied Radio Industrial Catalog, 1964, p.83
3) Sylvania Microminiature Lamps, The Titusville Herald, 25th November 1959 p3
4) Sylvania Microminiature Lamps, Newsweek US Edition, Vol.54 No.22 30th November 1959, p.
5) Sylvania Microminiature Lamps, The Michigan Technic v78-79, January 1960, p.33
6) Sylvania Microminiature Lamps, Popular Mechanics, February 1960, p.32
7) Two Electronics firms team up with jewelry maker, Electronics, 9th September 1960, p.11