The first HID lamps originated in Europe, and it was found that for optimum efficacy and life, arc voltage should be about half the mains value of 220-240V. That also allows ballasting with a simple inductor. When they were adopted in America, redesigning them for half the 120V mains would have compromised performance. Arc voltage was therefore maintained, but was too close to the mains to use simple choke ballasts. Consequently the autotransformer ballast was developed, to boost the mains then regulate current.
Metal halide lamps introduced a complication in that they require a higher starting voltage, even with a third auxiliary ignition electrode. The Americans solved this by increasing the open circuit voltage of their autotransformer ballasts to about 250-500V. The Europeans instead maintained their choke-type ballasts and developed the electronic ignitor to provide ignition peaks up to 4kV. That enabled simpler lamps without any auxiliary ignition electrode, allowing smaller arc tube seals and advanced shapes, that run-up more quickly and attain higher efficacy. They can also be filled with higher argon pressures to limit electrode sputtering and improve lumen maintenance and life.
Whereas the Americans adopted the pulse-start system from the outset for low power lamps since those were too small to accommodate an auxiliary electrode, it was not until 1999 that it was applied to medium and high wattages. This lamp is one of GE's first developments. Note the narrow arc tube seals, which reduce thermal losses for faster run-up, and permit a shaped arc tube for higher efficacy. This 350W lamp is intended for use on a new ballast, delivering similar output to the conventional 400W probe-start lamps. |