During WW2 there was a heightened requirement for small sources of UV-A energy for operation on low voltage DC power supplies, for illumination of vehicle interiors - in particular for aircraft cockpits but also for train and truck dashboards. Until then it had been standard practice to employ miniature incandescent lamps, and this called for large numbers of lamps with complex illumination systems. It was also difficult to uniformly light large surfaces, with the result that some areas appeared brighter than others.
Parallel developments in fluorescent lighting at that time were resulting in new luminescent materials, and by painting these onto control panels the phosphors could be illuminated uniformly by floodlighting the area with invisible UV-A radiation. Another advantage of this approach was that the total light level was greatly reduced, making such vehicles less obvious to enemy aircraft.
One of Osram's first lamps was this HgN 13W (HgN = Quecksilber Niederdruck, Low Pressure Mercury), conceived by Dr. Ernst Summerer and Dr. Hans Ewest, and intended to be operated behind a violet glass filter. The short discharge gap of just 30mm has a potential of only 13-15V, and as such can be ballasted by an ohmic resistance in series with the 24V supply of commercial vehicles. The anode is a metal ring at the far end of the bulb, and the cathode is a tungsten coil enclosed within a small ceramic cylinder, which is momentarily preheated to strike the discharge. A starting electrode located just infront of the anode is connected to the cathode via a resistor sealed into a glass tube. The bulb is pinch-sealed at one end, and is equipped with a 3-pin bayonet cap to ensure correct polarity of the DC supply. |