When GE launched the first commercial fluorescent lamps in 1938, the company did not expect them to become popular for general lighting. The early white colours were about 2-3 times as efficient as incandescent lamps, but it was not known how customers would react to the tubular shape, different light distribution, colour rendering quality, along with the relatively high price, the need for complex electrical control gear and entirely new luminaires.
The fluorescent colours however were considerably more efficient than filtered incandescent lamps. As such it was considered that the primary application of fluorescent lamps would be in architectural and decorative applications, alongside the 'Lumiline' linear incandescent lamps that the company had pioneered in 1934. As such the fluorescent lamp was launched not only in white and daylight, but five additional colours of blue, green, gold, red and pink.
Blue light was produced with calcium tungstate, green with zinc silicate, and pink with cadmium borate. Gold was achieved with a zinc-beryllium-silicate modified to a yellower hue, plus a pigment to remove shorter wavelengths. Similarly, red was attained with cadmium borate plus a red pigment. This blue lamp in fact employs a high-brightness calcium tungstate phosphor, which was used from the outset. Calcium tungstate is unusual in that it does not require any activator - however it was found that trace impurities of lead function as an activator that improves efficacy by producing a longer wavelength shift, albeit with slightly less colour saturation. In parallel, incorporation of a slight excess of CaO beyond the stoichiometric requirement to form CaWO4 leads to another increase in brightness. |